Case Studies and Press Case Studies and Press

Delivering performance, driving partnerships


Amex AdvanceSM Audience Performance

The American Express network processes more than $1 trillion in Card Member purchases across 110M Cards annually. We analyze thousands of spend variables to build predictive audiences that drive performance. In head to head tests, AmexAdvance Marketing Campaign Audiences  outperformed other Third Party Audiences by ~2x1


Amex Advance predicted customer spend at travel merchants over
a period of 3 months. Our Travel Audience outperformed
the 3rd Party Audience, driving 

2.5x Engagements Per Impression2

Also, in the 3 months leading up to purchases at travel merchants, we saw
that customers spent3


Home Remodel

Amex Advance predicted customer spend on home remodeling over a period of 6 months. Our Home Remodel Audience outperformed the 3rd Party Audience, driving

2.4x Engagements Per Impression2

Also, in the 6 months leading up to Home Remodeling, we saw that
customers spent3

Press and Coverage

Press Release

American Express Launches Amex AdvanceSM Personalization Services to Companies Across the Advertising, Travel and Service Industries

November 7, 2017 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

NEW YORK--American Express today announced the launch of Amex Advance, which harnesses industry-leading machine learning techniques to deliver personalization services that help marketers customize target audiences, personalize customer experiences and measure their own marketing effectiveness...



American Express Expands The Ways Marketers Can Use Its Cardholder Data

November 7, 2017 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

NEW YORK--(ADEXCHANGER)--American Express on Tuesday launched a data-driven business division called Amex Advance. Along with it Amex is debuting a data platform designed to let marketers run custom audience segmentation and predictive modeling against Amex’s own first-party data...

Based on 2016 digital campaign testing


Engagements include: Clicks, Replies, Retweets, Follows, Views, Photo Views, Comments, Likes, and Shares on a post

When compared to the rest of the active Card Member base (April, 2016)



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