Introducing your new Insights Hub - Data where and when you need it
Access Card Program information from one comprehensive interactive Hub. With a clear up-to-date view of spending, Cards and delinquency details, your Insights Hub brings you powerful insights, analysis, and actions for more productive programme management. Now available in the United States and GDC.

Spend and Cards-in-force Dashboard
Program Administrators can now:
- View trends of spending, transactions, Cards-in-force, newly issued and cancelled Cards and compare against previous periods.
- Analyze your spends across top Card regions and markets, Card product types, and merchant categories to understand what's driving your spending.
- View and download Cardmember lists for Cards-in-force, newly issued and cancelled Cards, and Zero Spenders.
- Manage Zero Spenders to optimize your Card program.
Delinquency Dashboard
Program Administrators can now:
- View breakup of outstanding balances and delinquent Card accounts by ageing categories.
- Analyze delinquency and late payment fee across Card types and locations.
- View and download Card account level detailed information.
- Filter out Card accounts which repeatedly go delinquent or are charged late payment fees.
- Send out payment reminders in bulk to delinquent Card Members for US market.

Supplier Diversity Widget
Program Administrators can now:
- Measure and view spend contribution with diverse suppliers.
- Plan supplier diversity goals.
*Diverse suppliers in this context indicates a business that is at least 51% owned (controlled and operated) by one or more diverse persons. Diverse person, in this context, is defined as a minority, woman, veteran, disabled, disadvantaged, LGBTQ or diverse other (historically black/minority institution or operate in a HUBZone).
*Supplier Diversity Reporting includes US point of sale suppliers only.
Frequently Asked Questions
The number of active Card accounts in your Card program as on the latest month in the selected time period. This includes all types of accounts in your program such as Corporate Cards, Meeting Cards, Purchasing Cards, Business Travel Accounts etc.
Zero Spenders are Card Members who have not used their Card even once in the last 12 months and each Card was issued at least 12 months back. Zero Spenders are only calculated for the individual Corporate Card product and are as on the latest month in the selected time period.
Newly Issued Cards: The number of accounts which were set up in the selected time period. This includes all types of accounts in your program such as Corporate Cards, Meeting Cards, Purchasing Cards, Business Travel Accounts etc. Cancelled Cards: The number of accounts which were cancelled in the selected time period. This includes all types of accounts in your program such as Corporate Cards, Meeting Cards, Purchasing Cards, Business Travel Accounts etc. .
The number of transactions are the total number of charges excluding reversals or refunds, payments, and adjustment charges in the selected time period. This includes charges on all types of accounts in your program such as Corporate Cards, Meeting Cards, Purchasing Cards, Business Travel Accounts etc.
Average Transaction Amount is the measure of the average amount that the Card Member spends each time the Card account is used. This includes charges on all types of accounts in your program such asCorporate Cards, Meeting Cards, Purchasing Cards, Business Travel Accounts etc.
This is the classification of the merchant or service establishment’s industry.
All the data in the dashboard is refreshed monthly.
24 months of data is available in the Spend and Cards-in-force Dashboard except for the Zero Spenders where only 12 months of historical data is available.
Error in the Year-on-Year change percentage implies that the value of the metric in the previous comparison period was either zero “0” or unavailable.
Displayed language can be changed using the language selection on the top right side of the page, next to the currency selection.
Displayed currency can be changed using the currency selection on the top right side of the page, next to the language selection.
You can download the information available on the Insights Hub by clicking on the Download button displayed in the widgets on the bottom left side. You can choose to download the information in available formats like JPG, CSV, Excel, PDF, and PPT.
Frequently Asked Questions
Delinquency is the act of failing to make timely payments of the dues owed by the credit card user, resulting in overdue or missed payments.
The number of Cardmembers who have unpaid balances past their 30-day billing period.
Unpaid balances past the bill generation date of the card members. For Insights Hub, we are showing this data only from 30 to 179 days of delinquency.
Delinquency as of now. This data is refreshed every eight hours.
The combined late fees that have been charged to the account, along with any goodwill credits and late fee reversals that have been issued against that balance.
Interim delinquency related data like Amount Past Due and Accounts past due is refreshed every eight hours. LPC and Delinquency Trends related data is refreshed monthly.
a) Select the card members you want to send an e-mail(more than one card member) from “View Delinquent Card Members” page
b) Click on “Email All” button.
c) Edit the e-mail template, if needed.
d) At the bottom right corner of the e-mail template, click on “Download” which will download a excel based utility (file name: American Express Bulk Dunning Tool.xlsm) to send payment reminders to multiple card members.
e) Once downloaded, open the file. (Software required: Microsoft Excel)
f) Tool has multiple sections to incorporate the essential parameters for sending payment reminders. An email will be sent individually to every card member directly from the tool on clicking “Send Email”.
Note: This tool should work only with Outlook for Windows.
Frequently Asked Questions
Diverse suppliers in this context indicates a business that is at least 51% owned (controlled and operated) by one or more diverse persons. Diverse person, in this context, is defined as a minority, woman, veteran, disabled, disadvantaged, LGBTQ or diverse other (historically black/minority institution or operate in a HUBZone).
We use Dun & Bradstreet as a third party data provider for all of our Supplier Diversity data. D&B sources their data from third parties, including certifying agencies, as well as significant direct contact with companies themselves.
Diverse Spend by Diversity Category are each individual metrics. Suppliers may fall within multiple diverse ownership categories (e.g. women owned disadvantaged businesses will be part of ‘women owned’ and ‘disadvantaged owned’). Therefore, the sum of spend with diverse suppliers may be greater than actual spend due to overlapping categories.
No, currently American Express is only receiving Supplier Diversity Status for suppliers within the United States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (US). This is due to data availability reasons.
Full Supplier Diversity Report, including supplier level data, can be found under the @Work Reporting page.