English follows










関連法令等に基づき、 2020年4月1日審査分(*)のカードお申し込みより、ご本人確認に必要な書類が1点から2点に変更になります。申込書にご記入の「現住所」と同じ住所、氏名、生年月日が記載された公的証明書のA4サイズコピーをご提出ください。ご提出いただけない場合は、カードの発行ができなくなりますことをあらかじめご了承くださいますようお願いいたします。






●運転免許証*1    ●運転経歴証明書 ●各種健康保険証*2 ●パスポート*2*3 ●個人番号(マイナンバー)カード表面のみ

●写真付き住民基本台帳カード* ●在留カード*1 ●特別永住者証明書*1 ●住民票の写し(発行6ヵ月以内で、マイナンバー記載なし)






*1 住所変更をされている場合は両面

*2 氏名、生年月日、住所の記載面

*3 2020年2月から導入された新パスポートは、住所記入欄がないため、本人確認書類には該当いたしません。<2021年3月18日追記>


なお、これに伴い、 2020年4月1日より各種規約も改訂させていただきます。変更点は以下のとおりです。















Please find our correction message here. (April 2, 2020)
Please find the updated message here. (November 24, 2020)

Updated regarding procedure for the new passports. (March 18, 2021)

Removed the link to the new Terms and Conditions as of April, 2020. (July 19, 2022)


Notification: Change of Official Identification Documents Required for Card applications and Terms and Conditions

February 28, 2020
Updated on July 19, 2022


In accordance with the relevant laws, it is required that applicants for Cards submit two official identification documents from the decision date of 1st April, 2020(*). Please submit A4-sized copies of official identification documents containing your name, date of birth, and current home address as provided in the application form. Please note that if you do not submit these, we will not be able to issue your Card. Please see “frequently asked questions” here regarding this matter.

*Even if the application is submitted in March, if the decision date is after 1st April, the conditions after the change will be applied. As a matter of principle, please submit two photocopies of the required official identification documents (or one copy of your Residence Certificate) for future Card applications.


Submission of two official documents are required

Please submit an A4-sized copy of two of the following official documents.

●Japanese Driver‘s License*1  ●Driving Career Certificate  ●Health Insurance ID Documentation*2         

●Passport*2*3  ●Copy of My Number Card (only the front side)   ●Basic Resident Registration Card with Photo*1         

●Residence Card*1  ●Special Permanent Resident Certificate*1      

●Copy of Residence Certificate (within six months of the issue date and which does not contain "My Number")


Submission of one official document for processing

One original copy of your Residence Certificate can be processed as an official document.

●Original copy of Residence Certificate (within six months of the issue date and which does not contain "My Number")


*1 Please provide copies of both sides if you have changed your address.

*2 Please make sure that the attached document contains your name, date of birth, and address.

*3 Please note that new passports, issued on or after February 1st 2020, do not include an address field, meaning that they cannot be used as an identity verification document. <Updated on March 18, 2021>


In accordance with the above, we are making changes to the following Terms and Conditions, effective April 1, 2020. Please see the details of the changes as below:


Global Corporate Payment Agreement [For Corporate Liability or Combined Liability】

-Description change in accordance with new Civil law.

-Description change in accordance with actual service/operations.

-Updated information of Credit Information Organization.

-Other wording correction.


Corporate Card Terms and Conditions

-Description change in accordance with new Civil law.

-Description change in accordance with actual service/operations.

-Updated information of Credit Information Organization.

-Other wording correction.