

※英語版は こちら(For English, click here.)





  1. 当社は、個人情報等を取り扱う際に、個人情報の保護に関する法律(平成15年5月30日法律第57号。以下「個人情報保護法」といいます。)をはじめ個人情報保護に関する関係諸法令、およびその他の規範を遵守いたします。
  2. 当社は、利用目的をできる限り特定した上、あらかじめご本人の同意を得た場合、および法令により例外として扱われるべき場合を除き、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内でのみ、個人情報を取り扱います。
  3. 当社は、個人情報を取得する場合、適正な手段で取得するものとし、法令により例外として扱われるべき場合を除き、利用目的を、あらかじめ公表するか、取得後速やかに本人に通知または公表します(「個人情報の取扱いについて(公表事項)」の「2.個人情報の利用目的」)。また、ご本人から書面で直接取得する場合には、法令により例外として扱われるべき場合を除き、あらかじめ、ご本人に対し、その利用目的を明示します。
  4. 当社は、取り扱う個人データの漏えい、滅失またはき損の防止その他の個人データの安全管理のために必要かつ適切な措置を講じ、従業者および委託先を監督します。
  5. 当社は、保有個人データにつき、法令に基づくご本人からの開示等の請求に応じます ( 「個人情報の取扱いについて(公表事項)」の「3.開示等の請求に応じる手続きに関する事項」)。
  6. 当社は、個人情報の取扱いに関するご質問および苦情等の受付窓口を設置するとともに(「個人情報の取扱いについて(公表事項)」の「10.苦情および相談の受付窓口」)、取り扱う個人情報につき、ご本人からの苦情に対し迅速かつ適切に取り組み、そのための社内体制の整備に努めます。

(注)本方針は、個人情報保護法その他の日本における規範を踏まえて作成したものです。当社では従前よりグローバル共通のグループ規範 「アメリカン・エキスプレス・オンラインプライバシーに関する声明」を制定しており、ワールドワイド全体で個人情報保護の取組みを徹底しています。


日本における代表者 須藤 靖洋







1. 個人情報取扱事業者の名称

〒105-6920 東京都港区虎ノ門4-1-1
日本における代表者 須藤 靖洋
2. 個人情報の利用目的
  利用目的 個人情報
(1) 当社との取引(クレジットカード業務、信用購入あっせん業務または金銭貸付業務に係るもの)に関する与信判断および与信後の管理(支払い延滞時の督促および債権譲渡を含む。)のためならびにクレジットカードの基本的機能および付帯サービス等の提供のため

① 入会申込書等にお客様が記載したお客様の情報その他当社が申告を受けたお客様の情報(氏名、年齢、生年月日、性別、住所、電話番号および電子メールアドレスその他の連絡先、勤務先、家族情報、住居状況等、本人確認書類上の記号番号および有効期限、国籍・地域、在留期間、在留資格等に関する情報、ならびに変更の届出があった場合の変更後の情報を含む。)

② お客様の提供同意に基づき、当社提携先等から当社へ提供された氏名、年齢、生年月日、住所、電話番号、電子メールアドレスその他の連絡先、勤務先、職業、資産、負債、収入等の情報

③ 入会申込日、契約日、商品名、契約額、支払回数、加盟店での利用に関する情報等の当社サービスのご利用状況および当社との契約内容に関する情報

④ 支払開始後の利用残高、月々の返済状況

⑤ お客様が申告したお客様の資産、負債、収入、支出、当社が収集したクレジット利用履歴および過去の返済状況

⑥ お客様より届出を受けた電話番号の現在および過去の有効性(通話可能か否か)に関する情報等

⑦ 犯罪による収益の移転防止に関する法律および同法に関連するガイドライン等に基づき確認した本人確認書類等の資料の記載事項、および、会員等が当社に提出した収入証明書類等の記載事項

⑧ 当社または業務委託先が収集した転居先、勤務先、電話番号等の連絡先情報および適法に交付を受けた会員等の住民票、戸籍謄抄本等の情報

⑨ 官報・電話帳等一般に公開されている情報

⑩ お客様のオンラインによる入会申込みに関するIPアドレス、インターネットサービスプロバイダー、クッキー、アプリケーションID、その他の申込みに利用される機器、ソフトウェア(OSやアプリケーション等)、通信等の利用状況・利用環境等に関する情報および申込みの時間等の申込み行為に係る情報

⑪ お客様の提供同意に基づき、サービス・プロバイダーから当社へ提供されたお客様の顔画像、本人確認書類の画像(本人確認書類の記載事項を含みます)、お客様の位置情報、電話番号及び電子メールアドレス並びにIPアドレス、VPN、デバイス情報、ブラウザー情報、インターネットサービスプロバイダー、アプリケーションID、その他お客様が利用される通信等の利用状況・利用環境等に関する情報及び本人確認の手続きの時間等本人確認手続きの行為に係る情報

⑫ その他お客様から申告を受け、またはお問い合わせにより当社が知りえた情報(お客様との間の会話録音による音声情報を含む。)



・当社、関連会社または加盟店の事業に関する、郵便、電話、 電子メール等の方法による営業案内





(3) クレジットカード関連事業におけるクレジットカードに関する加盟店との連絡、加盟申込審査、加盟店管理等取引上の判断および加盟店調査の義務の履行のため
(4) クレジットカード関連事業の遂行および管理(法令で求められる委託先管理を含む。) クレジットカード関連事業の提携先事業者または委託先事業者の担当者または責任者の氏名、連絡先




① お申込み時にお客様が申込書等に記入されたまたは提出された書類等に記載されている氏名、年齢、生年月日、性別、保険契約者または被保険者との続柄、資産、負債、収入等の情報、取引の目的、および、会員規約・規定等に基づきお客様より届け出された情報等

② 告知事項、保険契約者との同居別居の別等

③ 勤務先名称、職業、勤務先電話番号等

④ 住所、自宅電話番号、電子メールアドレス、保険期間、証券番号、保険金額等

⑤ お客様の提供同意に基づき、当社提携先等から当社へ提供された氏名、年齢、生年月日、住所、電話番号、電子メールアドレス、勤務先、職業、資産、負債、収入等の情報

⑥ お客様より届け出された電話番号の現在および過去の有効性(通話可能か否か)に関する情報等

⑦ 来店、お電話、電子メール、お問い合わせフォーム等でのお問合せ等により当社が取得または知り得た情報(映像・通話内容を含む。)等

⑧ 官報や電話帳等の公開情報



(7) 第三者(提供する旨の同意を得た提携先に限る)への提供のため


① 上記(1)①の情報

② カードの申込みにより発行されるカードに関する入会日、種別、会員番号・有効期限および変更後の会員番号・有効期限

③ カード会員番号が無効となった事実(ただし、その理由は除く。)

④ カード会員資格の喪失の事実(ただし、その理由は除く。)

⑤ カード申し込みに対する審査の結果(ただし、その理由は除く。)

⑥ 会員のカード利用に関する利用日、利用金額、利用店名、商品等の利用状況、契約内容に関する情報、付帯するサービスに関する情報

(8) クレジットカード関連事業において、法人会員もしくは基本カード会員の要請に基づき行う、出張管理・経費管理および効率化のための分析等、または、法人会員もしくは基本カード会員が指定する第三者への提出のため

① 上記(1)①の情報

② 本契約に関する申込日、契約日、商品名、契約額、支払回数、加盟店での利用に関する情報

③ その他会員等から申告を受け、またはお問合せにより当社が知り得た情報(会員等との間の会話録音による音声情報を含む)

(9) 各種お問合せ・ご要望に対する対応、サービスの向上、および当社からの連絡のため(支払請求に関する連絡を含む。) 上記(1)①から⑨および⑫の情報
(10) 当社の法律上の権利行使または義務履行のため 上記(1)①から⑨および⑫の情報
(11) 与信判断および不正利用対策のため、アメリカ合衆国にある不正検知システムを運営する提供先に提出するため、および、当該提供先の不正検知システムによる検出結果を当社が取得・利用するため 上記①および⑩の情報(会員の同意を得ている場合に限る。)
(12) 会員等が加盟店の代表者または加盟店である場合には、当社が、カード利用規約に定められた会員等の義務の履行の確認を確認し、本契約に基づいて必要な措置を講じるためおよび加盟店契約で定められた加盟店の義務の履行を確認し、加盟店契約に基づいて必要な措置を講じるため(右記の情報を紐付けて利用することを含みます。) 上記(1)①および③の情報とともに、加盟店申込書に記載された個人情報(代表者氏名、代表者住所、代表者生年月日、電話番号等加盟店が申込時および変更届時に届け出た事項)

3. 開示等の請求に応じる手続きに関する事項

② 代理人による請求で、代理権が確認できない場合
③ 申請書、本人確認書類等に不備がある場合
④ 開示請求等の手続きの対象となる情報項目が、開示対象個人情報に該当しない場合
⑤ ご本人または第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合
⑥ 当社の業務の適正な実施に著しい支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
⑦ 他の法令に違反することとなる場合


加盟店様:アメリカン・エキスプレス加盟店サービスホットライン こちら
書類名 本人 法定代理人 任意代理人
③代理人の資格を証明するための書類(※2) -
※1 ご本人または代理人自身を証明するための書類
写真付証明書 写真なし証明書
運転免許証 健康保険証
運転経歴証明書 国民年金手帳
旅券(パスポート) 厚生年金手帳
写真付き住民基本台帳カード 戸籍謄本(抄本)(公的機関が3か月以内に発行した原本)
特別永住者証明書 住民票(公的機関が3か月以内に発行した原本)
船員手帳 印鑑登録証明書(公的機関が3か月以内に発行した原本、証明書の余白に実印の押印)
その他公的機関が発行する証明書 その他公的機関が発行する証明書

※2 代理人の資格を証明するための書類

請求者 回答方法
ご本人または法定代理人 開示報告は開示請求者に対して書面による郵送を基本とさせていただきます。セキュリティーの観点から当社指定ソフトウェア/アプリケーションのご利用が可能な場合には電子メールによるファイルの送信も可能です。
任意代理人 開示報告は、原則として契約当事者であるご本人があらかじめ届出を行っている住所、電子メールアドレスに対して、上記の方法によりご本人宛にお送りいたします(あらかじめ届出を行っている電子メールがない場合は、開示申請の申込み前にご本人が電子メールアドレスの届出を行ってください)。
登録情報 登録信用情報機関と登録期間
株式会社シー・アイ・シー 株式会社日本信用情報機構
(1)氏名、生年月日、性別、住所、電話番号、勤務先、運転免許証の番号、本人確認書類の記号番号等の本人情報 左欄(2)(3)(4)の登録情報のいずれかが登録されている期間
(3)本契約に係る客観的な取引事実 契約期間中および契約終了後 (完済していない場合は完済後)5年以内 契約継続中および契約終了後5年以内(ただし、債権譲渡の事実に係る情報については当該事実の発生日から1年以内)
(4)債務の支払を延滞した事実 契約期間中および契約終了後 (完済していない場合は完済後)5年以内 契約期間中および契約終了後 (完済していない場合は完済後)5年以内
名称:株式会社 シー・アイ・シー(割賦販売法に基づく指定信用情報機関)
住所:〒160-8375 東京都新宿区西新宿1-23-7新宿ファースト ウエスト15階
住所:〒110-0014 東京都台東区北上野1-10-14 住友不動産上野ビル5号館
住所:〒100-8216 東京都千代田区丸の内1-3-1


・Amazon.com, Inc. ならびに同社によって支配されるAmazon.com Sales, Inc.、Amazon Services International LLC、およびアマゾンジャパン合同会社を含む国内外の関連会社
③利用する者の利用目的 本メンバーシップ・リワード・プログラムのサービスの提供のため
Amazon.com Services LLCの住所および代表者の氏名は以下の通りです。
住所: 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210 USA
代表者: Michael Miller
住所:〒105-6920 東京都港区虎ノ門4-1-1
日本における代表者:須藤 靖洋




一般社団法人日本クレジット協会(以下「協会」という。)は、割賦販売法第35条の18の規定に基づき、経済産業大臣から認定を受けております。 協会では、認定業務のひとつである利用者(クレジットの利用者)等の利益を保護するために必要な情報の収集、整理及び提供を、加盟店情報交換センター(以下「JDMセンター」という。)において行っております。


加盟店情報交換制度加盟会員会社(以下「JDM会員」という。)は、加盟店契約の申込を受けた際の加盟店審査並びに加盟店契約締結後の加盟店調査、加盟店に対する措置及び取引継続に係る審査等の目的のため、「3. (2)共同利用する情報の内容」に定める各号の情報を収集・利用し、JDMセンターへ報告し、JDM会員によって共同利用します。




① 個別信用購入あっせん取引における、当該加盟店等に係る苦情処理のために必要な調査の事実および事由
② 個別信用購入あっせんに係る業務に関し利用者等の保護に欠ける行為をしたことを理由として個別信用購入あっせんに係る契約を解除した事実および事由
③ クレジットカード番号等取扱契約における、当該加盟店等によるクレジットカード番号等の適切な管理等を図るために必要な調査の事実および事由
④ クレジットカード番号等取扱契約における、当該加盟店等によるクレジットカード番号等の適切な管理等のための措置が、割賦販売法に定める基準に適合せず、または適合しないおそれがあると認めて当該加盟店に対して行った措置(クレジットカード番号等取扱契約の解除を含む。)の事実および事由
⑤ 利用者等の保護に欠ける行為に該当したもの(該当すると疑われるまたは該当するかどうか判断できないものを含む。)に係る、JDM会員・利用者等に不当な損害を与える行為に関する客観的事実である情報
⑥ 利用者等(契約済みのものに限らない)からJDM会員に申出のあった内容および当該内容のうち、利用者等の保護に欠ける行為であると判断した情報(当該行為と疑われる情報および当該行為が行われたかどうか判断することが困難な情報を含む。)
⑦ 加盟店が行ったクレジットカード番号等の管理等に支障を及ぼす行為に関する情報
⑧ 行政機関が公表した事実とその内容(特定商取引に関する法律等について違反または違反するおそれがあるとして、公表された情報等)について、JDMセンターが収集した情報
⑨ 上記の他利用者等の保護に欠ける行為に関する情報
⑩ 前記各号に係る当該加盟店の氏名、住所、電話番号および生年月日(法人の場合は、名称、住所、電話番号、法人番号ならびに代表者の氏名および生年月日)。ただし、上記⑥の情報のうち、当該行為が行われたかどうか判断することが困難な情報については、氏名および生年月日(法人の場合は、代表者の氏名および生年月日)を除く。






加盟店情報交換制度に関するお問合わせおよび開示の手続きについては、下記6. JDMセンターまでお申出ください。


6. 運用責任者
一般社団法人日本クレジット協会 加盟店情報交換センター(JDMセンター)
住所:〒103-0016 東京都中央区日本橋小網町14-1 住生日本橋小網町ビル
代表理事:松井 哲夫


当社の個人情報の取扱いに関する苦情および相談についてはカード裏面に記載の連絡先までお願いいたします。また、ご入会をご検討中の場合に関しましては、下記の「ご入会案内の個人情報ご相談窓口」までお願いいたします。カード別お問い合わせ窓口 はこちら
・「ご入会案内の個人情報ご相談窓口」:電話 0120-010292(通話料無料/9:00~21:00/土日祝休)
また、当社では、個人情報保護の徹底を推進する管理責任者として個人情報保護管理責任者(当社 個人事業部門 マーケティング部 副社長)を設置しております。


個人情報に関する相談受付電話番号 03-5645-3360



〒105-6920 東京都港区虎ノ門4-1-1




Basic Policy on Personal Information Protection


American Express International, Inc., Japan branch ("we," “us” or “our”), recognizes that it is our responsibility to safeguard and protect personal information. In this policy, “you” and “your” means any individual customer or employee of American Express and any other individual whose personal information we handle. We hereby set out the following policy on personal information protection and will ensure compliance therewith:


  1. We will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan (Act No. 57 of May 30, 2003; hereinafter the “Personal Information Protection Act") and other relevant laws and regulations relating to personal information protection as well as other rules when handling personal information and other similar information.
  2. We will specify the purpose of using your personal information beforehand whenever possible and handle your personal information only to the extent necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use except in cases where we have obtained your prior consent or cases that should be treated as exceptions pursuant to any laws or regulations.
  3. If we collect your personal information, we will do so through an appropriate method and disclose the purpose of use thereof beforehand, or notify you of or disclose the purpose promptly after collecting the information, except in cases that should be treated as exceptions pursuant to any laws or regulations (Please see "Article 2. (Purpose of Using Personal Information)" in "Handling of Personal Information (matters to be disclosed)" below). In addition, if we collect your personal information directly from you in writing, we will clearly indicate to you our purpose of using such information in advance except in cases that should be treated as exceptions pursuant to any laws or regulations.
  4. We will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, loss of or damage to personal data handled by us or otherwise manage personal data safely and will supervise our employees and outsourcing contractors when handling such personal data.
  5. We will comply with your request for disclosure or such other request for similar actions in respect of your personal data retained by us pursuant to laws and regulations.(Please see “Article 3. (Matters Regarding Procedures to Comply with in respect of Requests for Disclosure and Other Actions)” in "Handling of Personal Information (matters to be disclosed)" below). We will establish a point of contact to respond to your inquiries, complaints and other opinions regarding our handling of your personal information (Please see Article 10. (Point of Contact for Complaints and Consultation)" in "Handling of Personal Information (matters to be disclosed)" below). We will do our best to resolve such complaints (where applicable) promptly and properly, and strive to improve our internal system for such purpose.


(Note) This policy is prepared based on the Personal Information Protection Act and such other relevant rules and regulations in Japan. We established the "American Express Online Privacy Statement", our global group-wide rules, and are committed to the protection of personal information globally.
For more information about the purpose of our use of your personal information, our point of contact for inquiries about personal information and other matters relating to our handling of personal information, please see "Handling of personal information (matters to be disclosed)".


Mar 14, 2025

American Express International, Inc., Japan branch

Representative in Japan: Yasuhiro Sudo


Note: This document is an English translation of “Basic Policy on Personal Information Protection” in Japanese. In the event of any conflict between the English and Japanese versions, the Japanese original will prevail.


Handling of Personal Information (matters to be disclosed)


Pursuant to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan (Act No. 57 of May 30, 2003; hereinafter the “Personal Information Protection Act") and other relevant laws and regulations, American Express International, Inc., Japan branch ("we," “us” or “our”) hereby sets out the following matters with respect to our handling of personal information: 


1. Name of the Business Operator Handling Personal Information 

American Express International, Inc., Japan branch
4-1-1, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-6920, Japan
Representative in Japan: Yasuhiro Sudo
2. Purpose of Using Personal Information
We will use the following items of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve any of the following purposes of use pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act:
  Purpose of Use
Items of Personal Information
(1) To make credit decisions in connection with transactions with us (those related to our credit card business, credit purchase intermediary business or money lending business); to manage accounts after offering credit (including making a demand upon a delay in payment and assigning claims); and to provide basic functions and incidental services related to our credit cards and other services.

(i) Information which a customer filled in on relevant application forms, etc. and other information regarding a customer which is provided to us (including but not limited to, name, age, birthday, gender, address, telephone number, E-mail address and other contact information, place of employment, family, residence status, code numbers and expiration date of the identification documents, nationality, period of stay, status of residence, etc. and if any amendment to such information is reported, those information after such amendment);


(ii) A customer’s name, age, date of birth, address, phone number, email address and other contact information, place of employment, occupation, assets, debts, income and other relevant information provided to us by our business partner or other entity in accordance with the customer’s consent to such provision;


(iii) Information about the state of use of our services and details of any contract with us, including but not limited to, application date, contract date, product names, contract amount, number of payments and information on transactions with merchants;

(iv) Outstanding amount and status of monthly repayments after the commencement of payments; 

(v)  A customer’s assets, debts, income and expenditure declared by the customer and information collected by us about the customer’s credit transaction history and the status of the customer’s past payments;

(vi) Information on current and past validity (availability) of the phone number provided by a customer and other relevant information;

(vii) Information set forth in materials such the identification documents, etc. which are required to be verified pursuant to the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds and guidelines, etc. related to such law, and information set forth in an income certificate, etc. which was submitted to us by a customer, etc.;

(viii) New address, place of employment, phone number and other types of contact information collected by us or our outsourcing contractor, the resident record, a certified copy of the family register or the abridged
family register or other relevant information about a member or other similar party that is lawfully provided to us;

(ix) Official gazette, telephone directories and other publicly available information; 

(x) Information regarding a customer’s online application activities, IP address, Internet service provider, Cookies, Application ID and any other information relating to the customer’s behavior when filing an online application, including devices and software (including, but not limited to, operating system and application software) used for the online application, the communication environment and status during the application
process, such as time spent filing-out an application;

(xi) The image of customer's face, image of customer’s identity verification documents, and customer’s location information provided to us by our service provider in accordance with the customer’s consent; and

(xii) Other information collected by us as a result of a customer’s declaration or inquiry (including audio information obtained from the recording of our conversation with the customer).


To perform the following activities in connection with our credit card-related business and such other businesses:

-  Delivery of sales and marketing messages relating to our businesses or those of any of our affiliates, merchants or business partners via post, telephone, email or other methods;

-  Sales and solicitation of our financial products and services and other similar products and services as well as those of our affiliates, merchants or business partners; and

- Market research, compilation of statistics and product development.

(i) Items of personal information listed in items (i),(ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (ix) and (xii) of Section (1) above; and

(ii) Information on referred persons provided by a customer in our member referral program.

(3) To communicate with merchants about our credit cards, screen applicant merchants, manage merchants and make other transactional decisions and perform our obligation to investigate merchants in our credit card-related business.
(i)  Items of personal information listed in item (ix) of Section (1) above; and
(ii) Information provided to us by a merchant or other similar party during its application or after it has been approved as our merchant, including but not limited to, the name, address, date of birth, contact information and other relevant information about the representative of our merchants.
(4) To execute and manage our credit card-related business (including management of our outsourcing contractors as required by laws and regulations).
Name and contact information of the person in charge, person responsible for our business partner or outsourcing contractor of our credit card-related business.

To provide non-life, life and mutual insurance from insurance companies and mutual insurance cooperatives that engage us as their agency, services incidental or related to such insurance and other services in our insurance agency business.

The following items of personal information provided to us by a policyholder and the insured through the designated procedures:

(i) Customer’s name, age, date of birth, gender, relationship with the policyholder or the insured, assets, debts, income and other relevant information stated by the customer in an application form or other document when making the application or described in a submitted document or other document, the purpose of the transaction and information provided by the customer pursuant to the terms and conditions of membership and such other

(ii) Matters to be declared, whether the insured lives with the policyholder or separately and other relevant information;

(iii) Name of the place of employment, occupation, phone number of the place of employment and other relevant information of a customer;

(iv) Address, home phone number, email address, insurance period, policy number, insured amount and other relevant information of a policyholder;

(v) A customer’s name, age, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, place of employment, occupation, assets, debts, income and other relevant information provided to us by our business partner or other
entity in accordance with the customer’s consent to such provision;

(vi) Information on current and past validity (availability) of the phone number provided by a customer and other relevant information;

(vii) Information collected by or made known to us as a result of an action taken by a customer, including but not limited to, an inquiry made through the customer’s visit to our office, phone call, email, inquiry form or other method (including video and records of phone calls); and

(viii) Official gazette, telephone directories and other publicly available information.


- To provide information to the relevant transportation, accommodation and other similar service providers and travel agents (if required) for the purpose of arranging a trip at the request of a customer or otherwise taking necessary actions in our travel business; and
- To provide information to the relevant service providers for the purpose of providing services incidental to our credit card (such as making reservation at a restaurant or other similar facility and use of points) at the request of a customer.

(i) Items of personal information listed in item (i) of Section (1) above; and
(ii) Membership number and other information provided to us by a service provider related to transportation, accommodation, restaurant or such other similar services in accordance with the customer’s consent to such provision.

To provide information to a third party (limited to our business partners for which we have obtained consent for such provision of information).

The following items of personal information for which we have obtained consent for the provision:
(i) Items of personal information listed in item (i) of Section (1) above;
(ii) Date when a member joined our membership, category, membership number and expiry date of the credit card issued and any changes to the membership number and expiry date;
(iii) Details of a member’s card number being invalid (excluding the reason therefor);
(iv) Details of a member losing membership qualification (excluding the reason therefor);
(v) Results of the screening of the application for a credit card (excluding the reason therefor); and
(vi) Detailed information about card transactions of a cardmember, including dates and amount of transactions, names of the stores where the card was used and products purchased, information about the terms and conditions of the contract and information about incidental services.

(8) To manage business trips and expenses and conduct analysis to improve efficiency at the request of a corporate or basic cardmember or to submit information to a third party designated by a
corporate or basic cardmember in our credit card-related business.

(i) Items of personal information listed in item (i) of Section (1) above;
(ii) Application date, contract date, product name, contract amount, number of payments and information about transactions with merchants relating to the agreement between the cardmember and us; and
(iii) Other information collected by us as a result of declaration or inquiry by a member or other similar party (including audio information obtained from the recording of our conversation with the member or other similar party).

(9) To respond to various inquiries and requests, to
improve our services and to provide notices from us (including notices
regarding payment requests).
Items of personal information listed in items (i) to (ix) and (xii) of Section (1) above.
To exercise our legal rights or perform our legal obligations.
Items of personal information listed in items (i) to (ix) and (xii) of Section (1) above.

(11) To make credit decisions and take countermeasures against unauthorized transactions; to provide information to a provider located in the United States of America that operates a system to detect
unauthorized transactions, and to obtain and use such results of the detection by the said provider.
Items of personal information listed in items (i) and (x) of Section (1) above (provided that we have obtained the consent of the member).

If a cardmember or other similar party is the representative of a merchant or a merchant:

- To ensure that the cardmember or other similar party performs their obligations stipulated in the terms of use of the credit card and to take necessary measures pursuant to the said terms of use; and

- To ensure that the merchant performs its obligations stipulated in the merchant agreement and to take necessary measures pursuant to the said merchant agreement. (We may use a combination of items of personal information listed in the right column of this section for the abovementioned purposes).

(i) Items of personal information listed in items (i) and (iii) of Section (1) above; and
(ii) Personal information (name, address and date of birth of the representative, phone number and other information disclosed by the merchant during application or disclosed in the notice of change) stated in the merchant application form.

3. Matters Regarding Procedures to Comply with in respect of Requests for Disclosure and Other Actions

We will respond to a request from you or your agent for disclosure, Revision (as defined below) or Discontinuance of Use (as defined below) of your personal information in the manner set out below. In this section, “Revision” means revision, addition and deletion of personal information and “Discontinuance of Use” means discontinuance of use, deletion and/or discontinuation of provision to any third party of the personal
(1)Significant items of personal information for which you can make a disclosure request
Name, membership number, date of birth, zip code, address, phone number, gender, place of employment, contract date, usage limit, expiry date, outstanding amount, status of payments and other relevant information.
(2)Cases where we can refuse to disclose your personal information
We will not disclose your personal information in any of the cases described below. If we refuse to disclose your personal information, we will notify you of the reason therefor.
(i) We cannot verify your identity;
(ii) We cannot verify the power of attorney of your agent if the request is made by your agent;
(iii) Your application form, identity verification document or other similar document is incomplete;
(iv) The item of information requested for disclosure does not fall under any of the items of disclosable personal information;
(v) The disclosure is likely to harm your life, body, property or other right or interest, or that of any third party;
(vi) The disclosure is likely to seriously impede the proper execution of our business; or The disclosure would result in a violation of any other laws or regulations.
(3)Revision or Discontinuance of Use
If you request us to conduct Revision of your personal information on the grounds that such information is incorrect or false, or if we are required to conduct Discontinuance of Use of your personal information pursuant to any laws or regulations, we will conduct an investigation on your request. If we confirm that the reason for your request is legitimate, we will comply with your request for Revision or Discontinuance of Use.
(4)Parties qualified to request for disclosure
(i) You;
(ii) Your statutory agent; and
(iii) Your appointed agent.
(5)Point of contact for disclosure requests
Please contact the point of contact stated on the back of your credit card for a request for disclosure, Revision or Discontinuance of Use or for any other inquiry. We kindly request that you make a disclosure request by completing our designated application form (please request a copy of our designated application form by calling the point of contact mentioned above) and mailing it to us with the supporting documents attached.
The point of contact for each card is set out in the following webpage:

American Express Merchants Service Hotline
0120-333983 (9:00-17:00 / closed on Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays)
(6)Documents to be submitted
Your statutory agent Your appointed agent
(i) Our designated application form
(ii) Document to verify the identity of your agent or yourself*1
(iii) Document to certify the power of attorney*2
*1 Document to verify the identity of your agent or yourself
You must submit any of the following documents as a document to verify the identity of your agent or yourself (limited to those documents that have not expired yet or those issued no earlier than three months ago). You must submit either (i) a copy of the document listed as photo ID below or (ii) copies of two or more types of the documents listed as ID without a photo below.
Photo ID
ID without a photo
Driver's license
Health insurance card
Certificate of driving history Proof of national pension
Passport Proof of employees’ pension
Basic resident registry card with a photo
Certified copy of your family register (or abridged
family register) (original copy issued by a public organization no earlier
than three months ago)
Special permanent resident certificate Resident record (original copy issued by a public
organization no earlier than three months ago)
Crew member's pocket ledger Certificate of seal registration (original copy
issued by a public organization no earlier than three months ago with the
registered seal affixed in the margin)
My Number Card (front side only*)
*You do not need to submit a copy of the back side
of the card where your My Number is stated. (Notification cards are not

Other certificates issued by a public organization

Other certificates issued by a public organization
If you submit a copy of a document that includes your My Number, basic pension number, place of your registered domicile or insurance number and code or number of the insured, etc., please black out or redact those numbers or information so that they are unreadable. If your Health insurance card has a QR code, please black it out so that it is unreadable.
*2 Document to certify the power of attorney For statutory agents, the document to certify the power of attorney must be:
- One of the documents listed below.
- Limited to those issued no earlier than three months ago.
- Documents listed below that are marked with * are acceptable only if they are original copies issued by a public organization.
- If your agent submits a copy of a document that includes the place of your registered domicile or that of your agent, please black it out and redact the same so that it is unreadable.
Person who has parental authority
Certified copy of your family register* or your resident record* 
Guardian of a minor
Certified copy of your family register*, court decision on appointment or certificate of registration of guardianship*
Guardian of an adult
Court decision on appointment or certificate of registration of guardianship*
For appointed agents, the document to certify the power of attorney must be:
- Our designated letter of attorney (Please affix your signature and registered seal to the letter and attach a certificate of seal registration. If your appointed agent is a lawyer or certified judicial scrivener, please indicate his/her registration or certification number.)
We will not charge any fees. We will publicly announce any change to the fees in advance.
(8)Method of providing our reply
Requester Method of providing our reply
Your statutory agent or yourself In general, a disclosure report will be made in writing, and will be sent by mail to the requester of the disclosure. For security reasons, files can also be sent by email when the software/applications that we specified are available.
Your appointed agent
In principle, a disclosure report will be sent to the person who is a party to the agreement via the above methods, to the address and/or e-mail address that the person has notified to us in advance. (If there is no e-mail address that has been notified to us in advance, the person must notify us of the e-mail address before applying for the disclosure request.).
4.Registration with and Use of Consumer Credit Bureaus
We are members of certain credit bureaus. We will handle personal information of our customers in the following manner when such consumer credit bureaus are involved:
(1)Upon obtaining our customers’ consent, we will refer to the consumer credit bureaus of which we are registered as a member and their affiliates for personal information of our customers. If the personal information is registered with any of those credit bureaus, we will use the information for our credit decisions and account management after the credit has been offered; provided, however, that we will only use the information about our customers’ ability to pay and repay solely for the purpose of examining their ability to pay and repay pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.
(2)Upon obtaining our customers’ consent, we will register certain items of information of our customers listed below with the consumer credit bureaus of which we are registered as a member for the period indicated in the table below. The information so registered will be used by members of the said consumer credit bureaus and their affiliates for the purpose of examining the individual’s ability to pay and repay.
Items of information to be registered and the period of registration
Items of Information to be Registered
Credit Bureaus Whereby Information Will Be Registered With and Period of Registration
Credit Information Center CORP.
Japan Credit Information Reference Center Corp.
(1)Name, date of birth, gender, address, phone number, place of employment, driver's license number, codes and numbers of identity
verification documents and other ID information
According to the periods stipulated in items (2), (3) or (4) below. 
(2)The details of the customer’s application and the agreement entered into with us 
Six months from the date we make a reference
No longer than six months from the date of reference
(3)Objective details about transactions relating to the agreement entered into with us During the contract term and for 5 years after termination of the contract (or if settlement is not complete, after full payment)
During the term of the agreement and for no longer than five years from the termination of the agreement (provided that information about the assignment of claims will be registered for no longer than one year from the date of occurrence)
(4)The details of any delay in the payment of debts During the contract term and for 5 years after termination of the contract (or if settlement is not complete, after full payment)
During the contract term and for 5 years after termination of the contract (or if settlement is not complete, after full payment)
(3)Items of information to be registered with the consumer credit bureaus include name, date of birth, gender, address, phone number, place of employment, driver's license number, codes and numbers of identity verification documents and other ID information, contract date, contract type, date when money is received, contract amount, maximum limit, number of payments, outstanding amount, scheduled date of full repayment, status of payments (including cancellation, full payment and other facts) and other information designated by the consumer credit bureaus.
(4)In addition to the above, the personal information listed above could be mutually provided or used by the consumer credit bureaus and their members to the extent necessary to keep the information accurate and up-to-date, handle complaints and ensure the protection and proper use of personal information, including monitoring of the members’ compliance with their regulations by the consumer credit bureaus.
(5)The regulations, membership qualifications, names of member corporations and other relevant information of each of the consumer credit bureaus are available on their respective websites. Please note that
disclosure of the information registered with a consumer credit bureau will be handled by the said consumer credit bureau (we cannot disclose such information).
Names, contact information and other relevant information of the consumer credit bureaus of which we are registered as a member are set out below:
Name: Credit Information Center CORP. (the Designated Credit Bureau pursuant to the Installment Sales Act)
Address: 15th floor, Shinjuku First West Bldg.,
1-23-7, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo, 160-8375, Japan
Phone number: 0570-666-414
Website address: http://www.cic.co.jp 
Name: Japan Credit Information Reference Center Corp.
Address: Sumitomo Fudosan Ueno Building No. 5,
1-10-14, Kita-ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-0014, Japan
Phone number: 0570-055-955
Website address: http://www.jicc.co.jp
Name, contact information and other relevant information of our affiliated credit bureau Name: Personal Credit Information Center of the Japanese Bankers Association 
Address: 1-3-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo,
100-8216, Japan
Phone number: 03-3214-5020
Website address: http://www.zenginkyo.or.jp/pcic/ 


5.Outsourcing of Processing of Personal Information

We may outsource the processing of personal information provided by our customers to an external contractor. We will select an external contractor upon confirming that it provides an adequate level of personal information protection and will conduct necessary and appropriate audits on the external contractor so that it will ensure the safe management of personal information.
6.Joint Use of Personal Information of Our Customers
(1)Joint use within our group 
We will jointly use the personal information of our customers within the scope of use described in (ii) below and for the purposes of use described in (iii)below.
(i) Items of personal data to be jointly used Items of personal information listed in items (i) to (ix) and (xii) of Section (1) of the table in Article 2. (Purpose of Using Personal Information) above.
(ii) Scope of joint usersCompanies whose decisions regarding financial and business policies are directly or indirectly controlled by us, companies that directly or indirectly control our decisions regarding financial and business policies and companies under the common control of those companies.
(iii)  Purposes of use by the joint users 
For the purposes described in Sections (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (8) of the table in Article 2. (Purpose of Using Personal Information) above.
(iv) Name of the person responsible for the management of personal data Us


(2) Joint use of personal information with partners under the Membership Rewards Program
We (American Express International, Inc. Japan Branch), Amazon Japan G.K. and its affiliates (collectively, "Amazon"), companies whose decisions regarding financial and operational or business policies are directly or indirectly controlled by us, companies that directly or indirectly control our decisions regarding financial and operational or business policies, and companies subject to the common control of such aforementioned companies, will jointly use the personal data of Covered Members in the following manner:
(i) Items of personal information to be jointly used
1) Member registration information such as name, telephone number, zip code, and e-mail address of the prospective member
2) Information related to the use of MR Points and contract information
(ii) Scope of joint users
American Express International, Inc., Japan Branch, any company in which we have direct or indirect control over decisions regarding financial and operational or business policies, or which directly or indirectly controls the decisions regarding our financial and operational or business policies, and companies subject to the common control of such companies.
Amazon.com, Inc. and its domestic and international affiliates, including but not limited to Amazon.com Sales, Inc., Amazon Services International LLC, and Amazon Japan G.K.
(iii)  Purpose of use by the user
To provide services in respect of the Membership Rewards Program
(iv)  Person responsible for the management of the personal information
Each joint user who handles the personal information

The address and name of the representative of Amazon.com Services LLC are as follows:
Address: 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210 USA
Representative: Michael Miller
The address and representative of American Express International, Inc. are as follows:
Address: 4-1-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6920
Representative in Japan: Yasuhiro Sudo

7.Provision of Personal Information

We will not provide your personal information to any third party without first obtaining your prior consent except in cases that should be treated as exceptions pursuant to any laws and regulations.
8.Joint Use of Information of our Merchants
We jointly use the information of our merchants based on Article 27, Paragraph 5, Item 3 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information as follows.
A. Merchant information exchange system
The Japan Consumer Credit Association (“Association”) has been certified by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry pursuant to Article 35-18 of the Installment Sales Act. The Association collects, organizes and provides information necessary to protect the interests of credit users, which is one of its certified services, at the Merchant Information Exchange Center (“JDM Center”).
B. Reporting and use of information collected from merchants and others
Merchants who are member companies of the merchant information exchange system (“JDM Members”) collect and use the information set forth in each item of “3. (2) Contents of personal information for joint use”, report the information to the JDM Center, and use the information jointly with other JDM Members for the purposes of the examination of merchants upon receipt of applications for merchant contracts, the investigation of merchants after the conclusion of merchant contracts, the measures against merchants and the examination of continuation of transactions.
C. Joint use of Merchant information
(1)Purposes of joint use
The purposes of joint use are to improve the accuracy of examinations conducted by JDM Members at or after the time of entering into the merchant agreement, to promote the proper management of credit cards, etc., as well as eliminating malicious merchants, and to contribute to the sound development of credit transactions and the protection of consumers, through American Express’ reporting to the JDM Center and JDM Members’ shared use of (x) information about merchants conducting any acts which fall short of protecting the interests of users, etc. (including suspected acts and acts which are difficult to determine whether they fall under such acts) and information about merchants necessary for protecting users, etc., and (y) information about any merchant’s acts that hinder the Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, etc. and information about merchants necessary for Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, etc., in the Merchant Information Exchange Program operated as a business of the Authorized Instalment Sales Association stipulated in the Instalment Sales Act.
(2)Contents of personal information for joint use
(i) Facts and grounds of any investigations necessary for dealing with complaints regarding the relevant merchant, etc. in transactions of individual credit purchase intermediation (i.e. kobetsu shinyo-kounyu assen).
(ii) Facts and grounds of termination of any contract regarding individual credit purchase intermediation (i.e. kobetsu shinyo-kounyu assen) due to the merchant conducting any acts which fall short of protecting the interests of users, etc. with respect to business of individual credit purchase intermediation (i.e. kobetsu shinyo-kounyu assen).
(iii) Facts and grounds of any investigations necessary for the appropriate management of and the prevention of illegal use of credit card numbers, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, etc.") by the relevant merchant under a credit card number handling contract.
(iv) Facts and grounds of any measures implemented against the relevant merchant due to recognition that Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, etc. by such merchant under a credit card number handling contract does not or may not meet the standards prescribed by the Instalment Sales Act (including termination of a credit card number handling contract).
(v) Information that is objective facts regarding acts that fall short of protecting the interests of users, etc. (including suspected acts and acts which are difficult to determine whether they fall under such acts) which also cause undue damages to JDM Members and users, etc.
(vi) Details of an offer to JDM Members which was made by users, etc. (including users who have not executed a contract) and, among such details, information which is determined to be relevant to acts that fall short of protecting the interests of users, etc. (including suspected acts and acts which are difficult to determine whether they fall under such acts).
(vii) Information relating to a merchant’s acts that hinder Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, etc.
(viii) Information collected by the JDM Center relating to the facts published by governmental agencies and the contents of such publication (including information published with respect to the violation or the fear of violation of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions of Japan and any other laws).
(ix) Information relating to any acts that fall short of protecting the interests of users, etc., which does not fall into any of the information described in items (i) to (viii) above.
(x) Name, address, phone number and date of birth (in the case of a corporation, name, address, phone number and corporation number, as well as name and date of birth of its representative) of a merchant which is relevant to any of the information described in items (i) to (ix) above. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if it is difficult to determine whether they are categorized as acts that fall short of protecting the interests of users, etc., the information described in item (vi) above, the name and date of birth (in the case of a corporation, name and date of birth of its representative) of a merchant shall be excluded.
(3)Retention Period
The items of information in (2) above will be retained for a period of no longer than five years from the date of registration (in the case of the information referred to in items (iii) and (vii), the date of registration of the completion of the action referred to in item (iv) or termination of the agreement corresponding to the said information).
(4)Scope of joint users of merchant information
Comprehensive credit purchase intermediaries (i.e. “houkatsu shinyo-kounyu assen gyousha”), individual credit purchase intermediaries (i.e. “kobetsu shinyo-kounyu assen gyousha”), operators of business executing a credit card number handling contract (i.e. “kurejitto ka-do bangouto toriatukai keiyaku teiketu jigyousha”) and the JDM Center (each shall be an Association member as well as a JDM Member).
*A list of the JDM members is available on the website of the Japan Consumer Credit Association: http://www.j-credit.or.jp/
(5)Point of contact for the system and disclosure procedures
Please contact 6. the JDM Center in (6) below for any inquiries regarding the merchant information exchange system and disclosure procedures.
(6)Person responsible for the operation
JCA Data of Merchant Center (the JDM Center) of the Japan Consumer Credit Association
Address: Sumisei Nihonbashi Koami-cho Building, 14-1 Nihonbashi Koami-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0016, Japan
Representative Director: Tetsuo Matsui
Phone number: 03-5643-0011 (main phone number)

9.Cessation of Direct Marketing of our Businesses, our Merchants and Other Relevant Parties 

If you wish for us to cease direct marketing such as sending direct mails, making telephone calls and sending other advertisements to you or otherwise conducting any other similar activities, we will honor your choice and will cease such activities. Notwithstanding the foregoing, please note that we will not be able to cease sending you documents that are necessary for our business operations, including but not limited to, credit card transaction statements and newsletters for our members and leaflets enclosed with such statements. Please contact one of our Membership Service Centers listed in Article 10. (Point of Contact for Complaints and Consultation) or the point of contact stated on the back of your credit card if you wish for us to cease our direct marketing communications.


10.Point of Contact for Complaints and Consultation
Please contact the point of contact stated on the back of your credit card for complaints and consultation regarding our handling of personal information. In addition, if you are considering applying for our credit card, please contact the following point of contact specifically for potential applicants who require consultation concerning personal information.
The point of contact for each card is set out in the following webpage:
・Phone number of our point of contact for potential applicants for consultation concerning personal information: 0120-010292 (Toll free; available from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; closed on Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays)
Moreover, we have appointed the person responsible for the protection and management of personal information (Vice President of Marketing, International Consumer Business) as the person responsible for management and promotion of thorough protection of personal information.
11.Safety Management Measures (Matters to be Publicized)
We have established a basic policy on the protection of personal information with respect to (i) our compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other relevant laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information, (ii) our obligation to establish a point of contact for the receipt of complaints and consultations, and (iii) our obligation to handle personal data appropriately. In addition, in order to handle personal data appropriately, we will establish rules concerning the secure management of personal information and implement the following safety management measures.
- Conduct self-verification of the status of handling of personal data and conduct an audit by a person independent of the department handling the personal data
- Provide regular training to employees on the protection of personal information and information security.
- Place restrictions on and manage persons entering and leaving the Company building and our Company office, as well as manage equipment and electronic media, etc. that handle personal data.
- Implement access control to limit the scope of persons in charge and Personal Information databases etc. handled, and review access authority in the event of changes, etc. of the duties of the persons in charge.
- Implement security control measures based on an understanding of the system for the protection of personal information in each country where personal data is stored.
12.Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization
We are a member of the Japan Consumer Credit Association, which is an Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act. The point of contact of the Association for consultation and complaints regarding the handling of personal information is as follows:
Japan Consumer Credit Association (JCA)
Phone number for consultation regarding personal information: 03-5645-3360
[Operating hours] From 10:00 a.m. to noon / from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed on Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays)
Note: This document is an English translation of “Handling of Personal Information (matters to be disclosed)” in Japanese. In the event of any conflict between the English and Japanese versions, the Japanese original will prevail