Amex Shop Small logo



Promote your business with these Shop Small® designs. Simply select and download materials, then post directly to your accounts.

Amex Shop Small logo



Promote your business with these Shop Small® designs. Simply select and download materials, then post directly to your accounts.


For all industries, use these free marketing assets to invite customers to Shop Small® with you!


Prefer to download everything at once?

Click here to download all General social posts and printable posters.



All assets have been cropped to 1080 x 1080px (square) or 1080 x 1920px (designed to share on social media stories).    

Social Media Posts: To download the image, just right-click on the image and choose 'save as' to save to your desktop. For mobile, just press and hold to save.

Suggested Post Copy: Highlight the suggested post copy below to copy-and-paste it into your social media channels.

Graphic with text that reads Show your love for Small Businesses. Shop Small all year long.

1080 X 1080 PX JPG, 254KB

Graphic with an image of two women sitting on the couch looking at laptop and reading Amex credit card number for online purchase. Message overlaid says we love those three little words Add to Cart and includes the Amex and Shop Small logo

1080 X 1080 PX JPG, 488KB

Graphic with an image of customer at checkout being handed a bag by small business owner. Message overlaid says Make a big impact. Shop Small; support the businesses you love and includes the shop small with Amex logo

1080 X 1080 PX JPG, 455KB

Stop by, order online, leave us a review, or tell a friend. It all counts. It all matters. #ShopSmall



We love our customers – we couldn’t do this without you. Visit us online or in-store for socially distanced shopping. #ShopSmall



Our doors are open! #ShopSmall with us all year long — we appreciate your business!




Peak engagement hours

Post content between 9 AM - 12 PM CT from Tuesday to Thursday.


Connecting with your community in realtime is more important than ever. From updates to community check-ins to product highlights, ensure you prioritize your posts during peak hours.

Graphic with text that reads Show your love for Small Businesses. Shop Small all year long.

1080 X 1920 PX JPG, 354KB

Graphic with an image of two women sitting on the couch looking at laptop and reading Amex credit card number for online purchase. Message overlaid says In-store or online; shop small with us and includes the Shop small with Amex logo

1080 X 1920 PX JPG, 117KB

Graphic with an image of customer at checkout being handed a bag by small business owner. Message overlaid says Make a big impact. Shop Small; support the businesses you love and includes the shop small with Amex logo

1080 X 1920 PX JPG, 146KB


Click to download a print-ready file.

High visibility. Place signage in high-traffic areas so you get visibility with the most possible customers.

Terms and Conditions

*By downloading the materials, you confirm you’ve reviewed and agree to the Shop Small® Marketing Materials for Merchants Terms of Useopens in new window and you have the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of your organization. Reminder: Assets are not to be altered (except as allowed herein) or used outside of their intended purpose.