Help your business get promoted to
Card Members



In 2023, American Express recommended nearly 10 million businesses to over 36 million Card Members across Amex-funded Marketing, driving over $43 million in new spend at businesses like yours!1


Gen Z and Millennials represented 32% of US American Express Consumer Billed Business2 in the fourth quarter of 2023, with 15% Year over Year growth. By welcoming American Express Cards, your business could have opportunities to attract those consumers.


Graphic of map on mobile device and location pin that says Your Business
Screenshot of the Amex Map


Help Card Members find you

Take the following steps to increase your chances of receiving free promotion and to make sure Card Members are going to the right place when they want to Shop Small®, earn more rewards, and tap to pay.


1. Visit the Map to see if you’ve been automatically listed and to verify your information.


2. Click here to update or add your listing.  




Need to update your listing?

Click here to log in and update your listing and check our FAQs for eligibility information.

More resources to fuel your growth

Your benefits of welcoming American Express


Member Benefits >

Access savings on curated services to help support your business


Business Savings Suite >

Webinars, articles, and more to help your business adapt


Business Class for Merchants >



1Source: 2023 Internal Amex Recommendations Data. New Spend is defined as American Express® Card Members with no activity at an SE 90 days prior to the recommendation but spend within 30 days after the Card Member sees the recommendation.

2Billed business represents transaction volumes on payment products issued by American Express. Source: Investor Day Data, 2023.