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Why don’t I see any documents in the “Documents” tab in my online account?

If you're in the "Documents" tab in your online account and receive the error message "Error Processing Request" or "Our System is Not Responding," we apologize and ask that you refresh the page or try again later. If you don't see an error message, documents may not be available for the following reasons:

  • You haven't provided consent to receive electronic account communications. You can enroll in Paperless delivery of billing statements and account communications through your online account.
  • There may not be any recent documents to view. Only documents added within the last 12 months are available.
  • Only certain types of documents are stored in the document center (i.e., Membership Rewards® Terms & Conditions).
  • Only Basic Card Members and their Authorized Account Managers can access documents within the "Documents" tab.  

If you need immediate assistance, please feel free to chat with a Customer Care Professional once you're logged in to your online account.

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