SafeKey & Online Safety




It's how we check in when you check out


SafeKey brings safety and ease to online transactions. 


what is safekey



When you check out online at participating merchants, SafeKey's advanced technology works in the background to make sure it's really you using your Card. And if we need to, we'll ask you to confirm it's you with face or fingerprint ID, an App notification, or a code.

How SafeKey might check in

Use face or fingerprint ID

Prove it's you by scanning your face or fingerprint

Tap and App notification

Tap the notification from the American Express® App to confirm it's you

Enter a code

We'll send you a code at checkout by text or email


Make sure you're ready for a smooth checkout


Turn on App notifications


  1. Download the Amex App* or make sure you have the latest version
  2. Turn on notifications so you don't miss us checking it's you
  3. Turn on ‘remember this device’ in the app (Account > Two Step Verification)
Dowload the App

*iOS and Android™ only. See app store listings for operating system info.


Update contact details


We'll need the right email and phone number for you so we can send you codes at checkout. Log into your Amex Account and go to 'Edit Contact Details’.


Enable face or fingerprint ID

Next time you're checking out online, look out for the option to enable face or fingerprint ID.




Online Safety

In addition to SafeKey, here are some things to be aware of to help protect yourself when shopping online: 

  • The web address should start with ‘https://’ – the ‘s’ stands for secure.
  • It should have a padlock symbol in the browser address bar. 
  • In some browsers, the address bar or the company name is in green.  
  • Log out of every site, every time you’ve registered your details, simply closing the browser isn’t enough.
  • Choose strong, unique passwords (not your child’s birthday, for example).Using a secure password manager may be helpful.
  • Keep your anti-virus software up to date and install a firewall.
  • Make sure your spam filter is switched on. 

SafeKey FAQs

About SafeKey

Face or fingerprint ID

App Notifications

Verification codes


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