Bank details for transfer
Bank details for transfer
- アメリカン・エキスプレスは請求金額以上の未請求分のお支払いは受け付けることができませんので、請求金額通りのお支払いをお願いします。
- マネー・ロンダリング(資金洗浄)対策をはじめとする当社の方針により、当社が当該方針に則って所定の手続により予め承認した場合を除き、カードご利用前の入金は受けかねますので、 ご了承いただきますようお願いいたします。
- 振込依頼人名は必ず基本カード会員様のお名前でお願いします。またお名前の後に15桁のカード番号をご入力ください。
- カードごとに振り込み先口座は異なります。お間違えのないよう十分ご注意ください。
※ 引き落とし口座の設定がお済みでない方は、口座の変更をご希望の方は、こちらをご確認ください。

社内手続きに沿った精算処理を行ってください。既に社内精算処理が完了している場合は、 必要に応じ、貴社ご担当者様に精算状況及び手続をご確認ください。
社内手続きに沿った精算処理を行ってください。既に社内精算処理が完了している場合は、 必要に応じ、貴社ご担当者様に精算状況及び手続をご確認ください。
銀行名 | 三井住友銀行 新宿西口支店 | |||
口座種別、口座番号 | 普通預金 2185293 | |||
口座名義 | アメリカンエキスプレスインターナショナル インコーポレイテッド |
Precautions Before Making a Bank Transfer
Precautions Before Making a Bank Transfer
- Please ensure you pay only up to the amount shown on your balance. American Express cannot accept payments for more than the outstanding current total balance
- In accordance with American Express policy and the relevant Anti-Money Laundering Laws, please note that we cannot accept payments in advance of using the Card. The only exception is in the case where we have pre-approved the advance payment in accordance with our policy.
- Please include your 15 digit Card Number and the name of the Primary Card Member as shown on the Card as a reference.
- Please confirm the bank details below before making your transfer, as the bank account is different depending on the Card you have.
※If you have not enrolled for direct debit but would like to do so, please click here.

Small Business Card Members, with any of the Cards below, please use the following bank details:
Small Business Card Members, with any of the Cards below, please use the following bank details:
Bank: | Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Shinjuku-Nishiguchi Branch | |||
Savings Account Number: | 2185271 | |||
Account Name: | American Express International |
Corporate Card Members, with any of the Cards below, please follow these instructions:
Corporate Card Members, with any of the Cards below, please follow these instructions:
・If your company has a specified internal settlement method, please follow the settlement method as prescribed by your internal procedures. If the internal payment procedures have already been finalized, please seek direction from your company's Program Administrator, as necessary.
・If your company has a specified internal settlement method, please follow the settlement method as prescribed by your internal procedures. If the internal payment procedures have already been finalized, please seek direction from your company's Program Administrator, as necessary.
・If you are making a payment on behalf of your company, please make the a payment by wire transfer to the bank account listed below.
・If you are making a payment on behalf of your company, please make the a payment by wire transfer to the bank account listed below.
Bank: | Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Shinjuku-Nishiguchi Branch | |||
Savings Account Number: | 2185293 | |||
Account Name: | American Express International Incorporated |