Purchase protection
Secure shopping, both online and in-store
Treating yourself feels even better when you know you're protected. Secure your shopping
sprees with our purchase protection.
90-day purchase protection, stress-free shopping

Purchase protection in a nutshell:
If your eligible item* is stolen or accidentally damaged, we've got you covered for a period of 90 days since you have purchased the item.
It gives you complete confidence every time you buy something with Amex**. Shopping never felt so good.
*Terms, conditions and exclusions apply.
**Benefit applicable only for American Express® Platinum Card and American Express® Centurion Card.

Keep an eye on your statement
If you see something on your statement that you don't
recognise, we can help. Check the following first though:
- Did you order something and then cancel it?
- Could it be a charge you weren't expecting, or a charge for a product you haven't yet received?
- Have you been billed more than once for the same transaction?
- Is the merchant name appearing on your statement different to what you were expecting?
Still not right?
Call us on the number on the back of your Card - it's what we're here for.
If the transaction is disputed, we will block the Card, and you can request for a replacement Card.
If the transaction is genuine, we'll leave it where it is, but set your mind at ease.

Other ways we protect you
Purchase Protection exclusions -
- Electrical/mechanical breakdown of appliances
- Loss or damage to precious items like gold, silver,antiques, securities, etc.
The Company/Partner of American Express providing the Purchase Protection will not make any payment in respect of: Loss or damage to gold or silver articles, watches or jewellery or precious stones or medals or coins or curios, sculptures, manuscripts, rare books, plans, models, moulds.
In the following events, this Policy shall cease to be in force and no claim shall be admissible, unless in every event, the consent of the Company to the continuance of the Policy is obtained in writing and signified on the Policy, or the Company has been duly informed and has acknowledged continuance of the Policy.
(i) If the premises shall have been left uninhabited by day and night for ten or more consecutive days and nights, any burglary occurs during the period that the premises are left uninhabited.
(ii) If the Insured shall cause or suffer any material alteration to be made in the premises or anything to be done whereby the risk is increased.
(iii) If the interest of the Insured in any property passes from the Insured otherwise than by will or operation of law.
(iv) The cover under this Section shall be available only up to 90 (ninety) days from the date of purchase of the tangible goods by the Insured. Get a cover value of up to INR 5 Lacs.