Selected hotels, exceptional value. Get a $100 hotel credit on qualifying charges and a room upgrade if available.
Get a $100 hotel credit on qualifying charges and a room upgrade if available when you book The Hotel Collection.
When you’re ready to travel, we’re ready to help. Call us anytime. Our travel consultants can tailor a trip to your interests and book it to get you on your way. And on www.americanexpress.com/en-xb/travel/the-hotel-collection/
The Hotel Collection includes hundreds of curated properties from trusted brands like Hyatt and Hilton Hotels. And you can enjoy exceptional value when you book through Platinum Travel Services. Receive $100 hotel credit for qualifying dining, spa and resort activities, when you stay at least two consecutive nights. We’ll even upgrade your room at check-in if there’s one available.
To reserve your next stay and receive your exclusive THE HOTEL COLLECTION benefits, simply request a reservation
• 1-800-801-6564 (24/7 Toll-free number from within the U.S.)
• 1-954-503-8868 (24/7 Collect call from outside the U.S.)

The Hotel Collection (THC) benefits are available for new bookings of two consecutive nights or more made through Centurion Membership Services with participating properties and are valid only for Centurion® Card Members. Bookings must be made using an eligible Card and must be paid using that Card, or another American Express Card, in the eligible Card Member's name, and that Card Member must be traveling on the itinerary booked. Noon check-in, late check-out and the room upgrade are subject to availability; certain room categories are not eligible for upgrade. The type of US$100 credit and additional amenity (if applicable) varies by property; the US$100 credit will be applied to eligible charges up to US$100. To receive the US$100 credit, the eligible spend must be charged to your hotel room. The US$100 credit will be applied at check-out. Advance reservations are recommended for certain credits. Benefit restrictions vary by property. Benefits are applied per room, per stay (with a three-room limit per stay). Back-to-back stays booked by a single Card Member, Card Members staying in the same room or Card Members traveling in the same party within a 24-hour period at the same property are considered one stay and are ineligible for additional THC benefits (“Prohibited Action”). American Express and the Property reserve the right to modify or revoke the THC benefits at any time without notice if we or they determine, in our or their sole discretion, that you have engaged in a Prohibited Action, or have engaged in abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with your THC benefits. Benefits cannot be redeemed for cash and are not combinable with other offers unless indicated. Benefits must be used during the stay booked. Any credits applicable are applied at check-out in US Dollars or the local currency equivalent. Benefits, participating properties, and availability and amenities at those properties are subject to change. To be eligible for THC program benefits, your eligible Card Account must not be cancelled. For additional information, call the number on the back of your Card.