Image of COMO Uma Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, a member of The Hotel Collection


Selected hotels, exceptional value. Get a $100 hotel credit on qualifying charges and a room upgrade if available.

Get a $100 hotel credit on qualifying charges and a room upgrade if available when you book The Hotel Collection.        


When you’re ready to travel, we’re ready to help. Call us anytime. Our travel consultants can tailor a trip to your interests and book it to get you on your way. And on in new window, you can explore our curated collections of hotels and resorts. With over 700 places to stay all around the world, you can easily find the right fit for you.    


The Hotel Collection includes hundreds of curated properties from trusted brands like Hyatt and Hilton Hotels. And you can enjoy exceptional value when you book through Platinum Travel Services. Receive $100 hotel credit for qualifying dining, spa and resort activities, when you stay at least two consecutive nights. We’ll even upgrade your room at check-in if there’s one available.                                                                                                                               

To reserve your next stay and receive your exclusive THE HOTEL COLLECTION benefits, simply request a reservationopens in new window, visit the Amex Experiences App, or call Platinum Travel Services directly:


• 1-800-801-6564 (24/7 Toll-free number from within the U.S.)

• 1-954-503-8868 (24/7 Collect call from outside the U.S.)