Frequently asked questions
If you are an American Express® International Corporate Cardmember, please click here.
By Direct Debit
Here is what we need to set up the Direct Debit
We require a completed Direct Debit Mandate and a bank headed letter from the branch manager, which displays the account number and sort/routing code if you are an ICC Sterling/Dollar Cardmember, and the IBAN and swift/BIC if you are an ICC Euro Cardmember. Document provided must confirm that you are the account owner. Alternatively, please supply us with a bank statement which shows proof of account details.
Please provide an original PDF, dated within the past three months.
The bank account needs to be open, and in your name if you are an ICC Consumer Cardmember. For ICC SBS, the bank account can be either in your name or the name of the company.
Please note that the address registered on your bank account needs to match the address listed on the American Express Card Account.
If you are an International Currency Corporate Card Cardmember and your Card number begins 37439 or 37459 please call +44 (0) 1273 868 900 to request a copy of the appropriate form.
For Cards in euro beginning 3743:
SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Direct Debit is available for Euro Cardmembers that hold bank accounts in one of the 32 SEPA countries (27 EU Member States + Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland & Monaco).
If you hold personal bank account in one of the European SEPA countries you are able to settle your American Express International Euro Card account using SEPA Direct Debit.
Please complete the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate and return it to American Express, along with the supporting documentation to prove account ownership.
How to return the documents to us
Please complete parts 1 to 3 to instruct your Bank to make payments directly from your account. After completion, please return the form to:
American Express Services Europe Limited
International Currency Card - Bank Services
1 John Street
Dept 45
BN88 1NH
United Kingdom
Or alternatively, you can return this Direct Debit mandate, along with account ownership evidence to us by email at
Please provide a bank headed letter from the branch manager which displays IBAN and BIC. The document must confirm that you are the account owner. Alternatively, you can supply us with a bank statement which shows proof of account details. Please provide an original PDF, dated within the past three months.
Please note that the internet can be unsecure. If you do choose to send American Express personal data and/or documentation by email, please be aware that some email channels are not secure, and that American Express is not responsible in the event of unauthorised access of your email account. Please be sure to use a secure encryption method when sending this information.
Please note: set up of SEPA Direct Debit may take between 2-3 weeks.
For Cards in US dollar beginning 3745:
ACH (Automated Clearing House) Direct Debit is available for US bank account holders with a US Dollar Card.If you hold US bank account in the United States you are able to settle your American Express International US Dollar Card account using ACH Direct Debit.
Please complete the ACH Direct Debit Authorisation Form and return it to American Express, along with the relevant supporting documentation to prove account ownership.
How to return the documents to us
Please complete parts 1 to 3 to instruct your Bank to make payments directly from your account. After completion, please return the form to:
American Express Services Europe Limited
International Currency Card - Bank Services
1 John Street
Dept 45
BN88 1NH
United Kingdom
Or alternatively, you can return this Direct Debit mandate, along with account ownership evidence to us by email at
Please provide a bank headed letter from the branch manager which displays account number and routing code. The document must confirm that you are the account owner. Alternatively, you can supply us with a bank statement which shows proof of account details. Please provide an original PDF, dated within the past three months.
Please note that the internet can be unsecure. If you do choose to send American Express personal data and/or documentation by email, please be aware that some email channels are not secure, and that American Express is not responsible in the event of unauthorised access of your email account. Please be sure to use a secure encryption method when sending this information.
Please note: set up of the ACH Debit Authorisation may take between 2-3 weeks.
By Bank Transfer
You may arrange payment by bank transfer. Our bank account details are:
For Cards in US dollar beginning with 3745:
Account Name: American Express Services Europe Limited
Bank A/C Number: 3582022339001
Swift No: SCBLUS33
Beneficiary Bank: Standard Chartered Bank, 1095 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10036
Federal Reserve Bank ABA Code: 026002561
CHIPS Participant Code: 0256
Payment reference: Please state your Card number starting 3745.
For Cards in euro beginning 3743 :
Account Name: American Express Services Europe Limited
Bank Account Number: 180 992 05
IBAN Number: (International Bank Acct No.): DE28512305000018099205
Beneficiary Bank: Standard Chartered Bank Germany Franklinstrasse 45-48 60486 Frankfurt, Germany
Payment reference: American Express Card Number.
We do not accept payments made in cash or by cheque and have a number of alternative options available for you which are quicker and more secure. Please refer to your statement for details on ways to make your monthly payments. If you have any support needs that you feel we should be aware of, for example a disability or a life event, please get in contact with us so we can confidentially note any relevant, appropriate information to better service your account(s). If you want to learn more about how we will handle this information, please visit our Online Privacy Statement.
Yes, the official American Express International Currency Card App allows you to access your Account from anywhere. Track your spending and review your statements at any time, wherever you are. Just search for Amex ICC in your App store or find out more here.
To log into the Amex App you'll need to set up your online Account here and create a User ID and password. If you have an Account in both Euros and US Dollars, you will need to register these Cards under two different User IDs.
Yes, you can register for online Card account access. This gives you control to manage your American Express Card Account(s), all at the click of a mouse, wherever you are, whenever you want. Registration is simple and free.
You can also download the Amex ICC Mobile App from your App store to track your spending and review your statements at any time.
Simply register for Online Card Account access where you can access your Card account information including current and old statements in seconds. Alternatively, please call Customer Services number on the back of your Card and request copies of statements for the months you require.
You can also download the Amex ICC Mobile App from your App store to see your recent transactions.
You must call Customer Services immediately upon receiving your statement and discuss this with a representative. They will be able to provide you with more details of this charge. If this does not clarify the matter we will investigate this and provide copies of the charge. American Express is only able to do this if we are informed immediately of the situation. We cannot do this after any lapse of time.
If you have more than one Personal Card account (e.g. US Dollar and Euro) you need to register all of these Cards under two different User IDs. Supplementary Cardmembers may create a unique User ID and Password to view their own transactions, but the main Cardmember will be able to view Supplementary Card transactions automatically when they register their Card(s). You will need to create a unique User ID and Password for any Card(s) issued to you or billed in your Card's currency (US Dollar or Euro).
Membership Rewards® is a customer loyalty programme from American Express that rewards you for regularly using your American Express International Dollar or International Euro Charge Card. Once you enrol in the programme, the more you spend, the more Membership Rewards points you accrue. These Points can be redeemed for gift cards, donated to charity or to offset purchases made on your American Express Card. Points can also be transferred to other loyalty programmes such as airlines (frequent flyer programmes) and hotels (frequent guest programmes).
If you are not already a Cardmember, please visit to find an eligible Card that is best suited for you.
If you’re an existing Cardmember with an eligible Card, start enjoying the benefits of Membership Rewards today. To enrol, click Enrol* or call Customer Services on +44 (0) 1273 868 900. We are available 24 hours daily. For full terms and conditions, please visit
*Green and SBS Cardmembers for EMEA should enrol using this form. There is complimentary enrolment in our Membership Rewards programme for Gold and Platinum Cardmembers and therefore completion of this form is not required.
It is a more secure way to authorise your transactions since your PIN is known only to you. Since its inception it has cut fraud on cards and has also reduced the time spent queuing at checkouts.
What is Chip and PIN?
A Chip & PIN Card contains a small embedded microchip, which encrypts your Account information, making it difficult to duplicate copy or access without the right PIN (Personal Identification Number).
Where can I change my PIN?
Once your PIN is issued you will not be able to change your PIN unless you visit the UK, where you can use UK LINK ATMs that offer PIN Management services.
What should I do if I forget my PIN?
With Online Services you can view your PIN securely and instantly online - at any time of the day or night. Simply log in or Register for Online Services to view your PIN online. Alternatively contact the Customer Services number on the reverse of your Card to be sent a PIN reminder in the post.
Please call American Express immediately day or night on +44 (0) 1273 868 900. We will issue a replacement usually within 48 hours.
Travel Protection Benefit for European Economic Area (EEA) Cardmembers
In preparation for changes which may impact American Express in Europe, we are changing the way we provide the Travel Protection Benefits to Cardmembers who obtained their International Currency Cards within the EEA (excluding the UK).
Who is impacted?
EEA Cardmembers who applied for an ICC Card via a bank or bank branch located in a country within the European Economic Area (excluding the UK). Other Cardmembers are not impacted (for example, Cardmembers who applied online or from the UK or from a country outside of the EEA).
What is changing?
The basis on which we provide the benefits for EEA Cardmembers is moving from a “regulated” model to a “non-regulated” model. The Travel Protection Benefits provided to you will remain the same, and the ways in which you interact with American Express to receive customer support and the Insurer to make claims will also remain the same.
The Travel Protection Benefits will continue to be offered to you with your International Currency Card at no additional charge.
Why is it changing?
As a result of changes which may impact American Express in Europe, it is possible that our UK entity will no longer be able to provide insurance benefits to Cardmembers in Europe and so we are changing the way we provide these Travel Protection benefits to ICC Cardmembers in the EEA. We are moving all impacted ICC Cardmembers to the “non-regulated” model so we can continue to provide our existing Cardmembers with the same benefits as today.
When does the change take effect?
The change will be effective from 11 June 2019.
Your Travel Protection Benefit document will be updated June 11 to reflect this change. To view your Travel Protection policy, please log into your online account or use the Insurance menu at the top of this page.
If you don't want to accept the change you can end your card agreement without charge by paying off all the amounts you owe and telling us to close your account by 10 June 2019. If we haven't heard from you by that date, we'll assume you've accepted the change.
To comply with UK Insurance regulations when you applied for you card in the UK or via our website from June 2019, you were asked to opt-in or opt-out of the insurance benefits.
If you opted out, you may enrol at any time by making a claim with the insurance carrier. Please visit for full details.
If you applied before June 2019, you are already enrolled and no action is required.
If you applied for your card outside the UK, you are already enrolled and no action is required.
There are exclusions in your American Express travel insurance policy which cannot be varied or removed. If you have a pre-existing medical condition that falls outside of the list of accepted conditions referred to in the travel insurance terms and conditions, you may be able to obtain alternative or additional insurance via the Money and Pensions Service or call the advice service on 0800 138 7777 (free from within the UK). Lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.
Periodically, American Express must review the information we store about our customers, and take steps to ensure that this information is complete, accurate and up-to-date. This data is critical to ensuring that we meet our legal obligations and our commitment to deliver a high standard of service.
Please refer to the required information stated in the communication you received. If you are requested to send proof, please do not send the original document as we may not be able to return them.
Periodically, American Express must review the information we store about our customers, and take steps to ensure that this information is complete, accurate and up-to-date. This data is critical to ensuring that we meet our legal obligations and our commitment to deliver a high standard of service.
Periodically, American Express must review the information we store about our customers, and take steps to ensure that this information is complete, accurate and up-to-date. This data is critical to ensuring that we meet our legal obligations and our commitment to deliver a high standard of service.
If you do not provide the required documentation we may ultimately be required to take further action, potentially leading to suspension and cancellation of all of your Accounts including any Additional Cardmember Account(s). This is in order to ensure we meet our regulatory requirements.
Yes, this is a legitimate link for you to upload the documents.
In addition to the email, we sent out a letter to confirm that the email is legitimate/not phishing and has been sent by American Express.
Please contact the number of the back of your Card. Our Customer Care Professional will take your details and arrange a new link to be sent to your email address.
Please provide all the requested documentation for you and any additional Cardmembers if applicable within 10 days of our communication, or as soon as you are able to.
Please refer to the communication for the details.
American Express must review the information we store about ALL our customers. Customers include both Primary Cardholders and Supplementary Cardholders.
To process a name change we will need you to send/ email in a signed letter, including; Membership number, old name and signature, new name and signature. The name as you want it to appear on the Card and supporting documents, e.g.: photocopy of Marriage certificate or ID with the updated name to be sent to
If the name is incorrect by 2 letters, you can call the number on the back of the Card and we can fix this over the phone. If there are more than two letters that need to be changed, you can send/ email in a singed letter, including; Membership number, old name and signature, new name and signature. The name as you want it to appear on the Card and supporting documents, e.g.: photocopy of Marriage certificate or ID with the updated name to be sent to
To email in a signed letter with the correct date of birth, along with a proof of ID to
For more information on Cards in US Dollar or Euro, or to apply, please call +44 (0) 1273 868 900.
Gold, Green, Basic and Business Cardmembers - Customer Services
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 868 900
Hours: 24 hours
Gold Card Travel Service
Tel: +44 (0) 1293 822 600
Hours: 24 hours
Platinum Service
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 576 454
Hours: 24 hours
Centurion Card Service
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 576 453
Hours: 24 hours
Lost and Stolen Cards
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 868 900
Hours: 24 hours
Global Assist Helpline
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 696 933
Hours: 24 hours
Membership Rewards® Programme
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 864 864
Hours: 8am – 6pm UK Time
Travel Inconvenience Protection: Advice and Claims Helpline – Green and Gold Cardmembers
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 696 933
Calls cost a maximum of 1p per minute, plus your phone company’s access charge. Please be aware if calling from outside the UK, call charges may vary.
Hours: 24 hours
Travel Accident Protection: Advice and Claims Helpline (Chubb)
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3126 4004
Customer Services - Corporate Euro or US Dollar Cardmembers
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 576 141
Administrators - Corporate Euro or US Dollar Cards
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 576 098
Lost and Stolen Cards - Corporate Euro or US Dollar Cardmembers
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 576 141
American Express International Currency Cards New Membership Servicing
American Express, 1 John Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN88 1NH
- Application status check
- Providing required information and documents
Please email us and we will respond within 24-48 hours
Hours: Monday - Friday 09:00 – 17:00
American Express International Currency Cards Bank Services
American Express, 1 John Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN88 1NH
- Card cancellations
- Replacement statements / card
- Product benefit enquiries
- Address change
- Unrecognised card transaction
Please telephone us for an immediate response 24/7
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 576136
Hours: 24 hours
American Express International Currency Cards Credit Department
American Express, 1 John Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN88 1NH
- Spending limit
- Copy payment
- Payment enquiries
- Spend disruption
Please telephone us for an immediate response 24/7
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 576320
Hours: 24 hours
American Express International Currency Cards Bank Guarantee Team
American Express, 1 John Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN88 1NH
- All Bank Guarantee related questions/queries
Hours: Monday – Friday 08:00 – 17:00
American Express International Currency Cards Servicing
American Express, 1 John Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN88 1NH
- Membership Rewards
- Chip & PinReplacement Cards
- Spend disruption
- Cash Services
- Unrecognised transactions
- Statement/Balance Enquiry
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 576 136
Hours: 24 hours
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7365 4846 (from abroad)
Tel: +44 (0) 800 339 911 (UK only)