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Medical Insurance Plan
Amex Medical Protector
Protecting the most important asset in your life
Underwritten by:

Let us be your armour to safeguard your health
Our unique medical insurance is the protection tailored for you, who look after your family. With a vast amount of health protection –
from in-patient benefits to post-surgery out-patient benefits, you can embrace any health challenges with peace of mind.
Here’s a glance of what we cover
With 2 plan levels of maximum benefits up to HK$2,000,000 for the Standard Plan and HK$5,000,000 for the Premier Plan annually, you'll receive in-patient medical benefits and coverage for:
- Oncology
- Dialysis
- Organ transplant
- Prosthetic devices
- AIDS/HIV treatment
- Post surgery out-patient benefit
- Post specialist treatment due to critical illness
Rest assured, you'll also have:
- 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance on hospital admission guarantee
- Emergency medical evacuation
- Overseas telephone medical advice
- Referral service
- Room, board and general nursing charges(including accommodation in an intensive care unit)
- In-hospital doctor's call fees
- In-hospital specialist consultation fees
- Hospital special services charges
- Surgical charges
- Anesthetist's fees
- Operating theatre charges
- Out-patient surgery
- Intensive care charges
* Zurich Insurance Company Ltd reserves the right to revise the premium, add new conditions and apply exclusions to the policy at the time of annual renewal.
- 2% in the first no claim year
- 5% in the second no claim year
- Accumulation up to 8% in the third no claim year
Take a look at the key benefit levels
Coverage | Standard Plan | Premier Plan |
Maximum benefits per insured person per policy year (HK$) | ||
Annual Limit |
2,000,000 |
5,000,000 |
Limit of Cover Per Room Type | 100% reimbursement for semi-private room/ ward; 30% reimbursement for private room | 100% reimbursement for semi-private room/ ward; 50% reimbursement for private room |
Coverage | Standard Plan | Premier Plan |
Maximum benefits per insured person per policy year (HK$) | ||
Room and Board |
100% of the actual expenses |
Surgical Cover |
100% of the actual expenses |
Coverage | Standard Plan | Premier Plan |
Maximum benefits per insured person per policy year (HK$) | ||
Oncology Dialysis |
80% of the actual expenses up to maximum 200,000 |
90% of the actual expenses up to maximum 300,000 |
Organ Transplant | 80% of the actual expenses | 90% of the actual expenses |
Prosthetic Devices | 80% of the actual expenses up to maximum 30,000 per item |
80% of the actual expenses up to maximum 50,000 per item |
AIDS / HIV Treatment | 80% of the actual expenses up to maximum 80,000 |
90% of the actual expenses up to maximum 120,000 |
Accidental Dental Treatment | 80% of the actual expenses | 90% of the actual expenses |
Local Ambulance | 100% of the actual expenses |
Coverage | Standard Plan | Premier Plan |
Maximum benefits per insured person per policy year (HK$) | ||
Post-surgery Out-patient Benefit |
100% of the actual expenses up to maximum 2,000 per disability |
100% of the actual expenses up to maximum 2,500 per disability |
Home Nursing Fees |
100% of the actual expenses up to maximum 30 days per disability |
100% of the actual expenses up to maximum 60 days per disability |
Post-surgery Specialist Treatment due to Critical Illness |
80% of the actual expenses up to maximum 100,000 per disability |
90% of the actual expenses up to maximum 120,000 per disability |
Coverage | Standard Plan | Premier Plan |
Maximum benefits per insured person per policy year (HK$) | ||
Guarantee of Hospital Admission Deposit |
Maximum 39,000 |
Emergency Medical Evacuation | Actual cost | |
Compassionate Visit | One economy class return airfare | |
Return of Unattended Dependent | One economy class one-way airfare | |
Arrangement of Limousine Service | Limousine service will be arranged to return the insured person who is hospitalized in Hong Kong for a period in excess of seven consecutive days back home | |
Home Nursing Care Referral Assistance | Available | |
Medical Service Provider Referral | ||
Telephone Medical Advice |
Coverage | Standard Plan | Premier Plan | |
Maximum benefits per insured person per policy year (HK$) | |||
Voluntary Deductible |
Applicable to claims for in-patient and surgical expenses only Insured persons can enjoy extra savings on premium by paying a fixed deductible amount for each and every claim |
Deductible Amount (HK$) |
20,000 | Available | |
50,000 | Not Available | Available |
Policy Wordings, Premium Table & Product Factsheet
Would you like to learn more about the Plan?
All the information you need is in these documents.
The Insured must be:
• American Express Cardmember
• A Hong Kong citizen or resident in Hong Kong
• Holding a valid Hong Kong Identity Card
• With a permanent address and live in Hong Kong as a usual place of residence
• Aged between 18 to 65 years
Important Notes
- Cover is available for aged between 15 days and 65 years and the maximum renewal age is up to aged 100 years.
- The insured person must be a Hong Kong citizen or resident holding a valid Hong Kong Identity Card, with a permanent address and live in Hong Kong as a usual place of residence and will not consecutively stay in other country for over 120 days a year.
- The reimbursement of all eligible medical expenses will be up to 100% for hospital confinement under semi-private room or ward. If the insured person confines in a hospital for private room, the reimbursement of all eligible medical expenses will be reduced to 30% and 50% under Standard Plan and Premier Plan respectively. No benefit shall be payable for insured person confined in a suite, VIP or deluxe room or equivalent.
- The pre-admission assessment service for the direct settlement of hospitalization and surgical charges arrangement is available for private hospital admission in Hong Kong only while the insurance payment must be settled by American Express® Card. For any non-eligible medical expenses, insured person is required to authorize Zurich Insurance Company Limited to collect shortfall of medical expenses (if any) from the designed American Express Card account.
- If the insured person sustains any accident or illness after leaving Hong Kong for over 90 days, this policy will not cover any claim incurred overseas.
- The premium will be adjusted when the insured person enters a new age bracket upon renewal, according to the premium table or any subsequent adjustment.
- If no claim has been made in the period of insurance, the insured person will be entitled to 2% no claim premium discount at the annual renewal and the no claim discount can be accumulated up to a maximum of 8% in the third no claim year.
- For insured person whose occupation involves jobs that engage principally in the use of light machinery or engines (e.g. electrician, cook, baker, private car driver, etc.), handle heavy machinery at a regular basis, requiring high degree of physical exertion or working in extra hazardous environments (e.g. delivery worker, interior decorator, transportation contractor, etc.), the premium is subject to the approval of Zurich Insurance Company Limited.
- All amendments to the insurance benefits will only be accepted upon policy anniversary and must be subject to the approval of Zurich Insurance Company Limited.
- Zurich Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to revise the premium, add any new conditions and apply exclusions to the policy at the time of annual renewal.
Having questions in mind?
Relating to Coverage
American Express Medical Protector covers hospitalization outside Hong Kong for emergency condition. You can choose any hospitals in accordance to your plan and geographical area selected. However, if you are away from Hong Kong for more than 90 days, no benefits shall be paid. Also, any elective surgery or medical treatment outside Hong Kong is not covered unless pre-approval agreement is obtained from Zurich Insurance Company Ltd.
You must be a Hong Kong citizen or resident in Hong Kong holding a valid HKID cards, with a permanent address and live in Hong Kong as a usual country for residence and not staying outside Hong Kong for more than 120 days consecutively per year, and aged from 15 days to 64 years old (this plan is renewable up to aged 100 years). Zurich Insurance Company Ltd reserves the right of final approval of this Plan.
Please notify Zurich Insurance Company Ltd within 30 days after you have changed the "Usual Country of Residence" from Hong Kong, the insurance company may adjust the related terms and conditions or cancel the policy immediately based on each policy. In case the "Usual Country of Residence" has been changed without notifying the insurance company, Zurich Insurance Company Ltd reserves the right to decline any claims afterwards.
It requires at least 16 hours of hospitalization which has to be continuous until discharged from hospital. The treatment or operation in hospital should be a medically necessary one and advised by doctor.
It bases on the plan level and types of room chosen for the calculation and the definition of room is well defined in the Policy Provisions. If the selected room types are semi-private or ward, you are entitled to 100% reimbursement of the reasonable and customary inpatient charges including surgical fees. However, if private room is chosen, the reimbursed percentage will be based on the percentage payable as stated in the Policy Provisions. In case of any dispute over the definition of room type, Zurich Insurance Company Ltd reserves the right of final decision so as the reimbursed amount.
It means any injury, sickness, condition for which the insured person showed symptoms or has received medical consultation, diagnosis, treatment or advice or took prescribed drugs or medicine for a period of time of which the insured person was aware of or could reasonably be expected to be aware of before the policy effective date, or the date of reinstatement or upgrade effective date. Unless such conditions have been fully disclosed on the application form and accepted by Zurich Insurance Company Ltd in writing and the policy document does not expressly exclude treatment relating to such pre-existing condition.
- any pre-existing condition
- inoculations or general check-up
- cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery
- rest care or sanitaria care
- any condition resulting from pregnancy, AIDS, psychosis, dental treatment of any nature whatsoever
- pre-natal care and post-natal care
- Non-emergency overseas treatment planned for in advance
- Professional or hazardous sports or pastimes such as climbing, mountaineering, pot-holing, skydiving, parachuting, hang-gliding, para-sailing, water skiing, ballooning, all diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, hunting.
Yes. According to Section 2.5 "Out-patient Surgery", you can claim for the surgical fees, operation theatre fees or anesthetist's fees of a minor surgery done in hospital clinic or registered clinic.
Relating to Enrollment
Applying for American Express Medical Protector is simple and easy. You are not required to have medical check-up which means you are free from any additional medical check-up fee.
Relating to Premium
Relating to Renewal
You will receive the renewal notice one or two months before the policy anniversary. If you decide not to renew the policy, a thirty days' written notice must be given to Zurich Insurance Company Ltd or else the policy will be renewed automatically. If the policy is cancelled after the policy anniversary, the paid premium for the unexpired policy period of this policy will be refunded in accordance with the charges indicated below.
Covered Period |
Charges of Premium |
2 months or below |
40% |
3 months |
50% |
4 months | 60% |
5 months | 70% |
6 months | 75% |
Over 6 months | 100% |
If the policy is paid on monthly basis and you decide to cancel the policy within the period of insurance, Zurich Insurance Company Ltd will not refund the paid premium. However, you have to settle the premium of the unexpired policy period if any claim is made or any service is used.
Yes, a thirty days' written notice must be given to Zurich Insurance Company Ltd if you decide to cancel the policy, the paid premium for the unexpired policy period of this policy will be refunded in accordance with the charges indicated below. If the policy is paid on monthly basis, Zurich Insurance Company Ltd will not refund the paid premium. However, you have to settle the premium of the unexpired policy period if any claim is made or any service is used.
Covered Period |
Charges of Premium |
2 months or below |
40% |
3 months |
50% |
4 months | 60% |
5 months | 70% |
6 months | 75% |
Over 6 months | 100% |
About Zurich
We're here if you need us
American Express and Zurich Insurance Company Ltd ("Zurich") work together to deliver quality insurance products to our customers. Zurich is committed to providing you with a high level of customer service. Contact Zurich for enrollment or further information about American Express Medical Protector.
- Sales Enquiry Hotline: (852) 2903 9432
- Custome Service Hotline: (852) 2903 9486
Company Website
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
25-26/F, One Island East
18 Westlands Road, Island East
Hong Kong
If you wish to make a claim, please simply follow the below steps:
- Complete Part I3 & Part II3 of the Hospitalization Claim Form by you and your attending medical practitioner;
- Enclose related documents such as but not limited to the original receipts and other supporting documents, e.g. medical reports, doctor’s referral letter, etc.;
- Please refer to Part 7 of the Policy Provisions for specific documents which is necessary for you to provide for each respective area of claims;
- Return the completed Hospitalization Claim Form with supporting documents within 30 days from the date of treatment in hospital to:
Zurich Insurance Company Limited
25-26/F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Road, Island East, Hong Kong
How To Apply For Direct Settlement Service?
If you wish to use the pre-admission assessment service and arrange direct settlement for hospitalization and surgical charges, please follow the below steps:
- Complete Part I3 & Part II3 of the Pre-admission Assessment Application Form by you and your attending medical practitioner.
- Email to Zurich at zurich-cs.hkz@hk.zurich.com at least 3 working days prior to hospital admission.
- The result of the pre-admission assessment will be notified to you within 3 working days after the receipt of your application form.
- Once the pre-admission assessment application is approved, the service provider rendered by Zurich Insurance Company Limited will contact the hospital for direct settlement arrangement and you need not settle the hospitalization and surgical charges upon discharge.
- Complete Part I3 & Part II3 of the Hospitalization Claim Form by you and your attending medical practitioner and email to the above contacts within 14 days after discharge from hospital.
- The result of the pre-admission assessment is based on information provided on the application form. The actual reimbursement is subject to the information supplied on the claim form, actual situation and details of the insurance coverage, exclusion clauses, terms and conditions stated in the policy and any other relevant documents.
- You will be required to provide treatment information and authorize Zurich Insurance Company Limited to collect shortfall of medical expenses (if any) from your American Express Card account designated by yourself. If hospitalization is due to illness / disability classified under exclusion clauses, the pre-admission assessment application will not be accepted.
- Part I under the Pre-admission Assessment Application Form / Hospitalization Claim Form should be completed by you and Part II by your attending medical practitioner, at your own cost.
Ready to apply?
Embrace life with care today!
(852) 2903 9432#
# Please note that this hotline is handled by Zurich Insurance Company Ltd, the underwriter of American Express Medical Protector.
Service Hours:
9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (except public holidays)
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd (“Zurich”) (a company incorporated in Switzerland with limited liability) is the insurance underwriter of American Express Medical Protector (“this Plan”) and solely responsible for all coverage and compensation. Zurich is not a subsidiary or an affiliate of American Express International, Inc. (“We/we/us”). Zurich reserves the right of final approval of this Plan. The above information is only a summary and does not constitute any part of the contract. For details, please refer to policy terms and conditions and exclusion clauses of this Plan and the above description is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to purchase any particular insurance product.
We identify insurance providers and products that may be of interest to you. In this role we do not act as an agent or fiduciary for you, and we may act on behalf of the insurance provider, as permitted by law. We want you to be aware that we receive commissions from providers and commissions may vary by provider and product. Also, in some cases, an American Express entity outside of the country may be the reinsurer and may earn reinsurance income. The arrangements we have with certain providers, including the potential to reinsure products, may also influence what products we identify. Zurich and we only provide general advice and do not consider your objectives, financial situation or needs. We do not require you to purchase any insurance product, and you may choose to cover your insurance needs from other sources on terms they may make available to you.
In the event of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between us and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, we will enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any disputes over the contractual terms of the product should be resolved directly between Zurich and the customer.