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Yes, I am a Programme Administrator

Please help us to keep your company information up to date

Why is this necessary?
The Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Act (AML) requires American Express to review your company information regularly and adopt measures to guarantee that said information remains complete and is duly updated (Law 10/2010, of April 28, on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing). This will prevent us from being forced to suspend your account.



For Companies, we will need the following information:


Company details


As company name, trade name, address, NIF.



  • Deeds and/or Articles of Association
  • Telematic certification of the provincial commercial register

Details about the Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) (UBOs)


Including a copy ID for each UBO

Details about the Authorised Signatory(s)


Including a copy ID and proof of residential address for each Authorised Signatory

* Please check here for valid identification documents.

(Opens as PDF in new window)

Prevent your account from being suspended


Failure to receive the required information may lead to suspension of your Account and eventually cancellation. This information is necessary to comply with our regulatory obligations (AML) as a financial institution.

Please update your company information


As soon as you have received an email or letter from us with your username, you can provide your company information. We ask you to complete this within the specified period. Please make sure you keep all (company) information and documents at hand.


Follow the 4 steps:


1. You will receive an email from us containing the link to the secure login environment.


2. Please login via this link. You can also type this link into your browser if you prefer. When you log in for the first time, you will receive a One-time Password before creating a new password.

3. After you have logged in, follow the necessary steps to complete and confirm all the information. You can save the data at any time and continue later. Please note, already uploaded documents are stored for a maximum of 7 days.

4. All complete? Please press Submit.

After your company information has been updated, we will check all your company information and the documents provided. In case any additional documentation is required we will contact you again.

Start the update process


As soon as you have received your username from us via email, you can start providing your company information.

Thank you for your cooperation and trust in American Express.


We look forward to receiving your information. Together, we can contribute to a safer financial system and a safer society.


Please note: you may have to provide your information to American Express again, even if you have recently provided this or already provided this when you set up of your Card(s). American Express is required to regularly review all customer information to ensure that the information we have is complete and up-to-date.

Still have questions?


Please check the Frequently Asked Questions


Would you prefer to call us? Please call our Customer Service team via

900 816 523

More information


For more details on AML, phishing and your privacy, please visit the pages below.

Frequently Asked Questions


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