PayPal | Venmo

Split a purchase and get paid back right to your Card

Seamlessly split any pending or posted Amex purchase with other Venmo or PayPal users right from the American Express® App and get paid back directly to your Card as a statement credit.* Best part? You'll be the one to earn all the rewards for the purchase you split.

Send & Split
Send & Split

Keep the good times rolling, and easily settle up later

There's no need to stop a night out in its tracks. Split the bill right from the Amex App when it's convenient for you. We'll do the math, send out the requests, and keep track as you get paid back. Plus, your friends don't even need an Amex Card.

Here's how it works:

Send & Split

Select a Purchase to Split

Open the Amex App > tap any pending or posted charge > Tap Split It > select up to 20 Venmo or PayPal users to split with.

Select a Purchase to Split and tap "Split It"
You can adjust the amounts each friend's share
Send & Split

We'll Do the Math

We'll divide up the purchase evenly, but you can always change each friend's share and we'll automatically adjust the rest.

Send & Split

Get Paid Back and Keep Track

When your friends accept the payment request, we’ll instantly apply a statement credit to your Card. You can track your purchases, requests, and who’s paid you back – all in the Amex App.

Get paid back as a statement credit and keep track who's paid you back

Frequently Asked Questions

*Terms & Conditions


Send & Split® is only available in the American Express® App (“Amex App”) to Card Members with an eligible Card. Eligible Cards are US-issued Basic Consumer Cards that are issued by American Express National Bank and are not cancelled. Prepaid Cards, American Express Corporate Cards, American Express Small Business Cards, American Express-branded cards or account numbers issued by other financial institutions and American Express Cards issued outside of the United States are not eligible Cards. To use Send & Split, you must first have an email address on file, enroll in Send & Split in your American Express Online Account (“Online Account”) and open an Amex Send® stored balance account in the Amex App (“Send Account”). Send & Split allows you to: (i) send a person-to-person payment from your Send Account to Venmo and PayPal users (“Send”) and (ii) split a Card purchase (“Split”) and receive funds to your Card account as a statement credit or to your linked Venmo or PayPal account. You may use Send & Split with an Additional consumer Card that is issued in the US by American Express National Bank and is not cancelled if you also have an eligible Card in the same Online Account and that Online Account is enrolled in Send & Split. You must have or create an account with Venmo or PayPal and link your Online Account to your PayPal or Venmo account to use Send & Split. You must add money to your Send Account from your eligible Card(s) to Send to a Venmo or PayPal recipient. The money you add will be reflected in your Send Account balance. The charge on your Card for an Add Money transaction does not earn rewards and is subject to the Card’s purchase APR. Once the Send from your Send Account is available in the recipient’s Venmo or PayPal account, you do not have the ability to cancel the transaction. There is no fee to Send to US recipients. PayPal charges a fee to Send to non-US recipients. With Split, you can split pending or posted purchases that are made with your eligible Card in your Amex App. Once you select a purchase to Split, select the contacts you want to request to Split with. You can choose to get paid back as a statement credit to your Card account (a Split credit) or to your linked Venmo or PayPal account. Split credits to your Card account apply when we receive confirmation that the Split request was completed but may take 24-36 hours to post to your Card account. You are still responsible to pay the full purchase amount charged to your Card, regardless of whether you are paid back via Split. You earn rewards for purchases that you split in the same way that you earn rewards for other purchases. Other eligibility and restrictions apply. For complete details visit in new window to view Terms & Conditions. Send Account issued by American Express National Bank.