Helen Jane Hearn
Sole Proprietor
Currently available - helenjane@maplevine.com. I develop creative content marketing programs. Whether it's for large brands like Lyft, Trulia, P&G, Old Navy, Hyundai, La-Z-Boy, Intel, Levi's and Clorox, or smaller wine brands like Sinegal Estate, Our Daily Red and Robert Oatley Wines, I create, test, refine and report award-winning content marketing solutions. My deep network allows me to develop powerful influencer programs across brand marketing categories like food, design, men and women's lifestyle and wine. Skills: Adobe Creative Suite (expert Photoshop, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Illustrator), Microsoft Office Suite (including Excel and Powerpoint), Management, Public Speaking, Content Strategy, Google Web Analytics, Content Marketing, Copywriting, Digital Advertising, SEO, HTML, Blogging, Social Media Strategy, Beverage Alcohol Marketing