Self-Service My Settings Is Now Available
The new My Settings feature provides PAs with a convenient, self-service solution to manage their Two-Factor Authentication details, saving ample time, and providing greater control over online security. Where previously PAs would need to call the Service Centre, the new My Settings feature can be accessed directly from the @ Work homepage.
With Profile Management, PAs can now:
- Easily add or modify their mobile phone number and reset the 6–9-digit security code necessary to retrieve a forgotten User ID or password.
- Remove any device set up as ‘trusted’ that has been lost, stolen or is no longer in use.
- Proactively change their password from within the @ Work platform at any time.
This new enhancement benefits PAs by:
- Allowing them to manage online security details.
- Allowing them to subscribe to alerts and update Communications Preferences.
- Removing the need for Service Centre calls.