Welcome to the American Express®


Corporate Defined Expense Program


Flexible spending limit features to help manage business related expenses

American Express® Corporate Card


Flexible Expense Management and Trusted Support

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Card Membership Benefits


The American Express® Corporate Defined Expense Program is designed to improve the management of employee purchases with a predefined spending limit that decreases as charges are made

Card Membership Benefits

Predefined Spending Limit


To help manage your budget, the Corporate Defined Expense Program is set up with a predefined spending limit. As charges are made, the available balance will decline until the predefined spending limit is met. Unlike other traditional American Express Corporate Card products, the spending limit will not re-set on a monthly basis as your billing cycle cuts. Please contact your Program Administrator or American Express account manager to learn more.

Flexible Expiration Dates


With the Corporate Defined Expense Program you can customize Card expiration dates according to your company’s preferences and business needs. A Card can be set up with a valid usage period as short as 2 months or as long as 2 years. The expiration date of a Card can be extended at any time, which will trigger issuance of a replacement Card with the new expiration date.



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