American Express Corporate Card Application Sweden

Personal Information

Personal Information
Company details

If you are uncertain of which payment liability type your company has, please contact your Programme Administrator.

Swedish BankID

If you want to have your Card and bills sent to the office, please state the address below:

Different residential address
If you want your Card and bill to be sent to a different home address, please provide the address below. Note! This requires you to upload proof of residence bearing your name (e.g. water/electricity bill, rental agreement or bank statement, which includes your name and the provided address). The document is not allowed to be older than three months.
Allowed format: PDF,JPG
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According to the Act (2009:62) on measures against money laundering and the financing of terrorism we must ask you if you now have, or during the past 18 months have had an important public function in a State or an international organization such as the EU or NATO, i.e. if you are a so-called politically exposed person. We must also ask you if you are a family member or known associate to such a person. Listed below you will find descriptions of which positions give rise to politically exposed person status and also which relations are considered to be family members or known associates.

Provide the name of the politically exposed person:

Provide the position, title, country and organisation of the politically exposed person.

If you want to provide additional information to support your application (e.g. in case your company has specific requirements for Corporate Card applications), please upload the information here.
Allowed format: PDF, JPG
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* Mandatory