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Foreign Exchange ECB Comparison

Charges in a Foreign Currency


This page is to help you compare the total American Express Currency Conversion Charge* that we apply to transactions against the latest equivalent Euro Foreign Exchange Reference Rates**, as required by the European Union. We have done this by providing the Percentage Difference*** between our charges and the equivalent euro reference rate in the table below.

If a transaction was carried out today, this information could be used as an indicator of the percentage difference that will apply. This is because we will convert the transaction into local currency on the date it is processed, which may be different to the date of the transaction. This means that the exchange rate used may differ from the rate that is in effect on the date of the transaction.

When spend takes place in…Currency CodePercentage Difference
US dollarUSD3.347
Japanese yenJPY3.545
Bulgarian levBGN2.697
Czech korunaCZK2.189
Danish kroneDKK2.684
Pound sterlingGBP3.151
Hungarian forintHUF2.511
Polish zlotyPLN0.000
Romanian leuRON2.662
Swedish kronaSEK1.709
Swiss francCHF3.140
Icelandic kronaISK2.928
Norwegian kroneNOK2.741
Croatian kunaHRK3.270
Russian roubleRUB-16.890
Turkish liraTRY3.116
Australian dollarAUD2.893
Brazilian realBRL3.305
Canadian dollarCAD3.421
Chinese yuan renminbiCNY3.484
Hong Kong dollarHKD3.581
Indonesian rupiahIDR3.667
Israeli shekelILS2.785
Indian rupeeINR3.737
South Korean wonKRW3.244
Mexican pesoMXN3.631
Malaysian ringgitMYR3.230
New Zealand dollarNZD2.754
Philippine pesoPHP3.448
Singapore dollarSGD3.135
Thai bahtTHB3.297
South African randZAR2.814


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