American Express®
About Cookies



American Express informs you through these terms and conditions about its use of Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology so that you have full control and choice over your personal data.


What are Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology?


Definition of Cookie: A data file that is stored on the hard drive of a user's computer or electronic communications device when browsing a specific Internet site, which allows status information to be exchanged between that site and the user's browser. The state information may reveal means of session identification, authentication or user preferences, as well as any data stored by the browser with respect to the website.


Definition of Web Beacons: A visible or hidden image inserted within a website or email, which is used to monitor the user's behaviour in these media. Through these it is possible to obtain information such as the IP address of origin, browser used, operating system, time at which the page was accessed, and in the case of email, the association of the above data with the recipient.


American Express sites are based on the use of Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology, seeking to provide you with the best experience while browsing the different sites, as well as to store information about your access to improve the security of your account, define content preferences, and personalise information based on the interests of its users or follow up on their online purchases.


American Express Cookies, Web Beacons and Similar Technology cannot be used to retrieve data from your hard drive, pass viruses to your computer or capture your email address. Some of the functions that Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology perform can also be achieved by alternative technology, therefore, the term 'Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology' is used in these terms and conditions.

Use and Management of Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology by American Express


1. Essential Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology


These Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology are necessary for the basic performance of the American Express site; they enable the secure authentication and validation system as well as fraud prevention functions.


Examples of essential functions of a Cookie and/or Web Beacon:

  • Identifies whether a user has logged in securely in full.
  • Enables the validation of a user and the handling of American Express site functionalities.
  • Stores authentication and confirms the security of a session for users.
  • Enables fraud prevention functions and/or tools.


2. Complementary Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology


These Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology enable additional functionalities to define previously defined preferences applied by the user.


Examples of complementary functions of a Cookie and/or Web Beacon:

  • Allows to restore previously defined content preferences.
  • Allows to restore language and text size preferences.


3. Performance Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology


These Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology keep track of the most visited segments as well as the usage of the website and its links. This allows American Express to understand the content in which users may be most interested. The information stored in these Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology does not contain personal data and/or sensitive personal data of the user and is evaluated in terms of site traffic, not the information contained therein.


Examples of performance functions of a Cookie, Web Beacon and/or Similar Technology:

  • Enables the display of different versions of the same site, so we can evaluate which design provides the best experience for our users.
  • Enables analysis of visits, such as browser usage, number of visits, response to marketing campaigns and acquisition trends.


4. Marketing Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology


These Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology ensure that the user receives relevant information about exclusive American Express benefits and promotions.


Examples of functions of a Cookie, Web Beacon and/or Similar Technology:

  • Enables communication of benefits and/or online marketing to the user in a relevant way.
  • Keeps the user securely identified in their different contents, to display personalised information.


5. Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology from Partners

American Express is engaged in relationships with partner marketing agencies that make use of Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology to help provide the user with relevant information on portals that are external to American Express. These marketing agencies adhere to industry guidelines.


Please note that the various social media platforms may collect information that you as a user provide when using their platform. American Express participates in such social media programmes. We recommend that you consult the privacy notice of the social media platform you use to learn about the options for restricting the information to which they may have access.


6. Setting Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology on the American Express website


You have the option to restrict the use of Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology in your browser and use the American Express public site. However, when logging into Online Services, you may encounter problems, as one of the authentication measures of our Services is the use of Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology.


Recommendation: When accessing other Internet sites outside of American Express, we recommend that you consult the Privacy Notice and Cookies and/or Web Beacons policy. American Express is not responsible for the privacy practices outside of its site.


7. Sending Email with Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology


American Express uses Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology when sending an email to identify whether the communication is effective and relevant. By doing so, we can understand the interests of our users and generate content that is of most interest to them.

If you wish to disable the use of Cookies, Web Beacons and/or Similar Technology in your email, we recommend that you consult the settings of your email service provider.

AMERICAN EXPRESS                                                                                                                                            

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