American Express Online Products and Services Regulation




American Express Company, together with its affiliates and subsidiaries ("American Express") requires that all users of its online websites, services, tools or applications ("Online Sites and Products") comply with these terms and conditions of use. (the rules"). The use of the Sites and Online Products implies the knowledge and acceptance, fully and without reservations, of the terms and conditions set out below.


American Express users in Spain submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Spanish courts. For their part, the Sites and Online Products are subject to the provisions of Spanish legislation.



The trademarks or advertising marks and logos, along with the other elements that make up the Sites and Online Products (texts, images, audio files, software files, color combinations, etc.), are the intellectual and industrial property of American Express and are protected by the legislation applicable to the matter, and may not be exploited, reproduced, distributed, modified, publicly communicated, assigned or transformed or any other form of dissemination without the prior written consent of American Express. Likewise, the domain name "" is owned by American Express Europe SA, which uses it together with the other companies in its group for identification on the Internet.



  • American Express is not responsible for the accuracy or veracity of any statements, advice or opinions expressed on the Online Sites and Products at the request of third parties outside our company.
  • American Express is not responsible for the losses or damages caused (including lost profits and consequential damages) for the use of the information obtained from the Sites and Online Products. The information displayed on the Online Sites and Products must be considered as a guideline without it being estimated as a determining element in decision-making. Consequently, it is the sole responsibility of the user to verify the accuracy, precision or usefulness of any advice or opinions formulated on the Online Sites and Products, as well as to consult an expert if necessary.
  • American Express is not responsible for the impossibility of access, interruptions, absence or defect in the telecommunications or falls of the Online Sites and Products, as well as for the losses, damages or losses of any kind (including lost profits and consequential damages) that may arise as a consequence of accessing or using the Online Sites and Products, including, but not limited to, those produced in computer systems or those caused by the introduction of viruses and / or computer attacks. American Express declines all responsibility regarding the information that is outside the Sites and Online Products, including those contents that can be accessed through hyperlinks or links established in the Sites and Online Products as an alternative source of information.
  • American Express is not responsible for any damages that may arise as a result of a user providing a third party with their username, password or any other information related to access to their personal account, the security of their communications regarding shipments that you send us by electronic message in relation to any of our online services.
  • American Express is not responsible for any possible discrepancies that may arise, temporarily, between the version of its printed documents and the electronic version of the same published on the Sites and Online Products. In case of discrepancy between the printed version and the one published on the Sites and Online Products, the printed version will prevail.
  • American Express reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in the Sites and Online Products without prior notice. Likewise, American Express reserves the right to eliminate, limit or prevent access to the Online Sites and Products when technical difficulties arise due to events and / or circumstances beyond American Express that, in its opinion, decrease or cancel security levels. standards adopted for the proper functioning of the Online Sites and Products.
  • American Express will have no responsibility for claims by the user or a third party based on breaches of the Regulations.



As stated on the Data Protection page, American Express is committed to guaranteeing the confidentiality of personal data received directly from the user. Data that has been previously published in any electronic forum is excluded from such guarantee, so American Express reserves the right to use and supply this information to any of its parent companies, subsidiaries or subsidiaries, as it deems appropriate, when necessary. for the development of our business.




American Express prohibits the use of hypertext links without permission and the presentation through frames of the content available on the Sites and Online Products. Consequently, it reserves the right to disable such elements and expressly declines all responsibility derived from the content available on other websites, services, tools or online applications linked to the American Express site and its services. Thus, the user who accesses any of them, will do so under their sole responsibility.



[Rule applicable to electronic forums located on the Online Sites and Products] American Express has no obligation to examine the messages, information or content that users decide to disclose through the Online Sites and Products and, accordingly, declines all responsibility related to such publications. Notwithstanding the foregoing, American Express reserves the right to supervise such content when it deems it appropriate, and to reject or withdraw such content that includes:


  • Unlawful, injurious, defamatory, threatening, vulgar, obscene, blasphemous, offensive, aggressive, violent, discriminatory content (for ethnic or racial reasons) or objectionable for any other reason, including, for guidance but not exhaustive, those contents that promote conduct that may incur civil or criminal sanctions or that violate any applicable local, national or international legislation.
  • Announcements or requests of any kind [except on those sites where the publication of announcements by words is allowed.
  • Messages published under false identity.
  • Messages with personal data that reveal telephone numbers, Social Security numbers, account numbers, addresses or job references.
  • Messages posted under false identity attributable to authorized representatives of American Express.
  • Messages that enable the unlawful download of information that violates privacy or intellectual property.
  • Messages located in individual folders by the same user and repeatedly insisting on the same argument.
  • Concatenated messages of any kind. 


American Express reserves the right to update, modify or adapt the Regulations when it deems appropriate without the need to inform the user, who will be automatically bound by the modifications made.




American Express reserves the right to file pertinent legal actions in case of any violation of the Regulation, including the right to block access to the Sites and Online Products from a specific Internet address.




Access to secure or password protected areas is restricted to users authorized by American Express. Unlawful access may entail criminal legal actions.




American Express in accordance with Spanish regulations on Intellectual Property Rights, Industrial Property, Advertising and / or the Information Society and Electronic Commerce reserves the right to withdraw from its Sites and Online Products any content that allegedly violates the rights of a third party. In this regard, any notification about an alleged violation of the indicated rights occurred on the Online Sites and Products should be directed to the attention of American Express, General Counsel's Office, At. Technology Counsel,

American Express de España, SAU


Registered office:  Avenida Partenón 12-14. 28042 Madrid.

Telephone: 900 81 45 00

Registration in the Mercantile Registry: Mercantile  Registry of the Province of Madrid, Volume 5,083, General 4,233, Section 3 of the Companies Book, Folio 36, Sheet 40,270, 1st Registration.

Tax identification number:  NIF A-28521888

Corporate Purpose: The exploitation of payment cards and / or any other non-credit characteristics.- Intermediation in relation to all kinds of movable and immovable property and services.- Issuance and / or reimbursement and / or intermediation in the sale or payment of traveler's checks, gasoline checks, and / or similar effects.- All operations that are financing are expressly excluded.


American Express Viajes, SAU


Registered office: Avenida Partenón 12-14. 28042 Madrid.

Registration in the Mercantile Registry: Mercantile  Registry of the Province of Madrid, Volume 724, General 703, Section 3 of the Companies Book, Folio 45, Sheet 67311-1, 1st Registration.

Tax identification number:  NIF A-78083094

Administrative authorization:  CICMA nº 28

Corporate Purpose:  Wholesale and retail travel agency. Mediation in the sale of tickets or reservation of space in all kinds of means of transport, as well as in the reservation of rooms and services, and the organization and sale of tourist packages.


Amex Asesores de Seguros, Sociedad de Agencia de Seguros Linked SAU


Registered office: Avenida Partenón 12-14. 28042 Madrid.

Telephone:  900 81 45 00 from Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Registration in the Mercantile Registry :  Mercantile Registry of the Province of Madrid, Volume 704 general, Folio 16, Sheet M-10859, 1st Registration.

Tax identification number:  NIF A-79770608

Administrative authorization:  Registered in the Special Administrative Register of Insurance Mediators, Insurance Brokers and their Senior Officers of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds, with number AJ0022, with guarantee insurance financial and civil liability in accordance with Law 26/2006 of July 17.

Social object: The mediation of private insurance under the condition of a linked insurance agent, therefore carrying out, by entering into an agency contract with various insurance entities, presenting, proposing or carrying out work prior to the conclusion of insurance contracts or reinsurance, or conclusion of these contracts.


American Express Europe, SA


Registered office: Avenida Partenón 12-14. 28042 Madrid.

Telephone:  900 81 45 00

Registration in the Mercantile  Registry : Mercantile Registry of the Province of Madrid, Volume 15,348. Section 8 of the Company Book, Folio 204, Sheet M-257407.

Tax identification number:  NIF A- 82628041

Administrative authorization:  Payment entity authorized according to Law 16/2009, of November 13, on payment services.

Corporate Purpose:  Payment services: Execution of payment operations; issuance and acquisition of payment instruments; as well as the provision of closely related auxiliary services.


American Express Payments Europe, SL


Registered office: Avenida Partenón 12-14. 28042 Madrid.

Telephone:  902 100 956

Registration in the Mercantile Registry: Mercantile  Registry of the Province of Madrid, Volume 37236, Book of Companies Folio 20, Sheet M-664153.

Tax identification number:  NIF B-88021431

Administrative authorization:  Registration number 6883 in the Bank of Spain. American Express Payments Europe, SL is an authorized payment entity according to Law 16/2009, of November 13, on payment services. 

Social object: The Company's main objective is the mediation and coordination as a media company in activities related to economic, accounting, market, sociological, technological, and marketing studies, and on matters related to the development of business, commercial and industrial projects or companies. (CNAE 7320).

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