A safe way to shop.

A secure way to pay.






what is safekey



SafeKey. What is it?


American Express SafeKey® is a smart authentication technology that works behind the scenes, protecting you against fraud while you shop online by checking it's really you when a purchase is made.




How does SafeKey work?



Our anti-fraud technology checks each online transaction against numerous data points. We may, however, need to check it’s really you, if so, we'll send you an SMS or email for verification.


Please log in to your online account to check that your contact details are up to date. We'll take care of the rest. 



secure safeykey push

Enter the One-time Code sent to your mobile number and/ or email address

safekey verification

Update your contact details if needed

verification from safekey

Verification completed




Online Safety


In addition to SafeKey, here are some things to be aware of to help protect yourself when shopping online:


• The web address should start with ‘https://’ – the ‘s’ stands for secure

• It should have a padlock symbol in the browser address bar

• In some browsers, the address bar or the company name is in green

• Log out of every site, every time you’ve registered your details

• Choose strong, unique passwords (not your child’s birthday, for example)

• Using a secure password manager may be helpful

• Keep your anti-virus software up to date and install a firewall

• Make sure your spam filter is switched on






SafeKey FAQ's



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