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Light the way to
your company’s success

Grow your business with the Best Corporate Card1


Feeling interested?
Talk to our specialist now

Your Holistic Corporate Payment Solutions

Earn up to 2 Membership Rewards® points with every HK$1 corporate expense.


HK$1 = 2 points2


 at selected merchants from




Dining & Food Delivery

Dining & Food Delivery



Selected Foreign Currencies3


Freight & Logistics

Freight & Logistics


Online Advertising & Digital Tools

Online Advertising & Digital Tools


Travel, Lodging & Hotel Dining

Travel, Lodging & Hotel Dining



HK$1 = 1 point2 on other eligible spending


No limit or expiry on points earned


Redeem rewards as you wish at ease


Enjoy exclusive business offers at the Business Offer Hub


Optimize costs by booking business trips on American Express Travel Online (ATO)



Choose the Card that match your company needs

Corporate Gold Card


Annual fee: HK$550


A premium, powerful and rewarding corporate payment solutions.

Corporate Card


Annual fee: HK$400


A simple, convenient, and core corporate payment solutions.

Or if you are a SME owner:


Visit here for American Express® Business Card
– Hong Kong Best Business Card for SMEs


Let’s get started. Here’s how:




Call our specialists at
(+852) 2277 1310 or




Chat with our specialist to apply and
build a tailored program for your




Once approved, enjoy the benefit,
efficiency and control of your

Reduce Cross Border Payments Costs & Risks

Our Card Program offers an advanced, robust global spend management solution designed to solve the challenges of international payments. Our experienced team will work with you to determine where can you generate savings, streamline processes and improve control, wherever you do business.


Optimal savings

With the option to convert and bill all charges in a single currency, you can gain more control over the cost of foreign exchange. Potential processing costs and foreign exchange charges associated with international payments can be reduced.


Improve Efficiency

Standard tools and simplified processes are in place across over 150 markets around the world to help you achieve efficiency. In one single agreement, global terms and convenient monthly payment, our Card programme allows you to streamline complex, labor-intensive processes, eg. high volume of smaller/recurring payments.


Regulatory oversight to Ensure Compliance

American Express has invested in the oversight and control you need to successfully navigate the complex, global regulatory environment. Striving to comply fully with local market and country regulations, you can be confident in your spend management program, wherever you do business.


1. American Express® Corporate Card has won 11th consecutive year as the 'Best Corporate Card' at the Merits of Achievement in Banking and Finance 2021, hosted by CAPITAL Magazine.

2. Membership Rewards: To enroll in the Membership Rewards programme, Cardmembers can call (+852) 2277 2150. Cardmembers can choose between two redemption options – Frequent Flyer or Non-Frequent Flyer. The annual membership fee for Membership Rewards Frequent Flyer option is HK$400, or 12,000 Membership Rewards points; and for Membership Rewards Non Frequent Flyer option, the annual fee is HK$120 or 3,600 Membership Rewards. An annual Membership Rewards fee applies; enrolment is not automatic and subject to Company approval.

To view the full Terms and Conditions of the programme, the complete range of offers available and which partners are involved in Membership Rewards, please click here.


3. Selected foreign currencies include all currencies, except HKD and RMB.


4. 51 credit-free days: Actual credit-free period will vary based on the date of charge and the billing cycle cut-off date.

5. SafeKey®: Secure online shopping with American Express SafeKey. Click here to learn more.

6. Corporate Cash: Requires Company participation and Card Member enrolment. Subject to terms and conditions.

7. Global Assist Hotline: You must arrange all medical and visitor transportation. As the Global Assist Hotline is an assistance service, we cannot reimburse you for expenses you incur on your own. Please refer to the Global Assist Summary of Coverage for additional details and restrictions.

8. Business Travel Insurance: The plan is underwritten by Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited, American Express International, Inc. does not act as an agent or fiduciary for you, and American Express International, Inc. may act on behalf of the insurance provider, as permitted by law. Exclusions and limitations apply. Please refer to your Travel Protector plan for details.