Without realising it, you might have beliefs about yourself that are holding you back. These are often rooted in childhood and when you're not aware of them, it can be tough to move forwards and realise your full potential. Tara Hamilton Howard, Founder of SASS, shares how she overcame her own limiting beliefs and how she helps others to do the same.
Tara's limiting beliefs started when she was young. Considered a 'stupid little girl' who didn't know anything, she didn't see the point in working and left school with no qualifications. Today, Tara is a successful business owner, coach and public speaker, helping other women to realise their potential. And she has a private pilot's licence to boot. How did she do it?
Tara's lesson
Tara's parents guided much of her early career. After moving to Australia and meeting a man they disapproved of, they hatched a plan to send her to pilot school in the U.S. She failed her first exam but this marked a turning point for Tara. She decided she had nothing to lose by throwing everything at it. And perhaps she could prove people wrong.
'I learnt a lesson then' says Tara. 'That it's not how clever you are, it's how much effort you put in and how hard you try. Anyone can achieve anything if they put their mind to it, which is what I did when I got my pilot's licence.' But her piloting career wasn't to last, after her parents sent for her to run the family Hotel business.
Tara's formula
From 'stupid little girl' to successfully growing the family Hotel business and founding her own company, Tara reflected on how she had overcome her limiting beliefs to realise her potential. ‘I’ve worked with so many people with so much inside of them, but something holds them back - so I considered what changed in my own life,' says Tara. 'I realised it's about separating who you are from what you do.'
You might be a policewoman, a teacher or a builder. But if you can separate this from who you are, that is when you flourish in both your business and personal life, says Tara. 'We take on the expectations and judgements of others,' Tara says. 'But when we came into this world we were perfect, worthy and worthwhile and it's only others that take that away from us. If we can remember we're perfect as human beings, then we can make a mistake, learn and move on.'
Key Takeaways
- We often take on the expectations and judgements of others and these beliefs can hold us back.
- If you can separate who you are from what you do, you will flourish in your business and personal life.