Get in touch

We take pride in our commitment to servicing our customers and we are always looking for opportunities to improve its experience. If there's anything you think we can do better, we would love to hear from you.

See below for contact information on some of our available services: 


  • For general information
    • Canada: 1-800-869-3016 (toll-free) US: 1-800-528-4800 (toll free)
    • Canada: 1-866-549-6426 (TTY/TDD)
  • Live Chat: you need to login into your account
    • Desktop: 9:00 AM – 5 PM ET/ 7 days a week 
    • Mobile App: 8:00 AM – Midnight ET/ 7 days a week 
  • For contact information about a specific product, please click here
  • To provide feedback for Accessibility please use one of the channels listed below

Please note, this feedback channel is not a formal complaint channel and the information you provide here will not be used to investigate a specific complaint. If you wish to make a complaint, please contact Customer Care.



Feel free to share your thoughts on Accessibility through the following channels:

Please note: if you require to be contacted by one of our representatives, please select any of the non-anonymous options


Phone & Fax

Toll Free: 1-888-301-5312

TTY: 1-866-529-1344

Fax: 1-866-849-9660



Amex Bank of Canada

Accessibility Team

PO BOX 3204

STN F Toronto, Ontario

M1W 3W7



Please share your thoughts about Accessibility at Amex by emailing us at


Anonymous Feedback

Online Feedback Form, click here


To download the Feedback Form, click here


Mail a copy of the Feedback Form to:

Amex Bank of Canada
Accessibility Team
PO BOX 3204
STN F Toronto, Ontario
M1W 3W7



The Accessibility Officer, is Amex Canada’s designated person responsible for reviewing and maintaining the accessibility feedback process. 

What can you expect when you provide feedback?


Your feedback will be reviewed by our accessibility team, and the Accessibility Officer will facilitate the management of the feedback, which will be used to improve our products and services where possible.


Click here to download the Feedback Process Description document


Alternate Format Documents


You can request the Amex Feedback Process Description document in the following alternate formats:


Once we receive your request, your documents will be sent to you in the following timelines: print, large print and electronic up to 15 calendar days braille and audio up to 45 calendar days.



Accessible Canada Act Accessibility Plan & Progress Reports


Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities

